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My Sweet Izzy



Yesterday,  Thursday Oct. 9 at 1:30 PM my sweet little Izzy passed away. She passed on her own terms, I did not have to make the dreaded decision. She died in my arms at home. She was my love, and the sweetest dog in the world. There is a huge hole in my heart and a big piece is now missing from my life but I have to be here for Nando. Thank you all so much for the kind words of support. I am heart broken and have been looking through my photo’s of her and wanted to share these with all of you.

I love both Izzy and Nando but Izzy was special for me, my daughter brought Izzy home to help me recover from the loss of  my 2 dogs that died very close together. I was distraught, and Izzy was my life saver. She was an amazing little girl, sweet, full of life, rambunctious, very much a diva and spoiled rotten. She and Nando were best friends and were always together, I learned that I could never leave Izzy alone in the house without her Nando, if I did she would give quite the dramatic performance, she was quite the actress. She was feisty and did not have a mean bone in her little body.

There will not be a day that passes that I won’t miss that sweet little girl. RIP sweet Izzy.

Her cupcake leash

Her cupcake leash

In her backyard

In her backyard

Daisey and Izzy are together now

Daisey and Izzy are together now

All dressed up

All dressed up




176 Comments Post a comment
  1. I am so sorry for your loss, Suzanne 😦 From the looks of it, it looks like Izzy lived a wonderful and fulfilling life and for that I am sure she is forever grateful. My condolences during this very difficult time.

    October 10, 2014
  2. Can’t like this post Suzanne!
    May Izzy rest in peace!
    May you find strength to deal with the loss!
    Prayers and Hugs

    October 10, 2014
  3. shashi @ #

    Oh Suzanne – I am so so sorry – I have two dogs and couldn’t imagine my life without them – I pray you have the strength you need. Sending you and Nando a huge virtual hug! ❤

    October 10, 2014
    • Thank you Shashi, It’s very difficult for me to deal with this loss. Nando too is having a very hard time.

      October 10, 2014
  4. I’m so sorry, sending you positive thoughts.

    October 10, 2014
  5. Suzanne, i know you’ve already heard all the kind words… and from experience i know how much they help and how the hurt remains. So I’ll just say, get some rest. Be gentle with yourself. Hug Nando. You are stronger than you know; stronger than you even want to be right now.
    Sending you hugs and sunshine.

    October 10, 2014
    • Thank you Teagan. Knowing I have the support of my friends really helps. I am holding Nando as I type this. He is very upset.

      October 10, 2014
  6. Oh Suzanne! I’m so sorry for your loss! I cannot imagine my life without Sofia so I know for sure that you are heartbroken. Izzy had a wonderful life and she was loved like a daughter. That’s the most important thing to remember during these dark hours. I pray the Lord to give you strength and peace.
    With love,

    October 10, 2014
    • Thank you I can’t tell you how much it means to me to have the love and support of my friends.

      October 10, 2014
  7. So sorry. It’s the worst.

    October 10, 2014
  8. Oh Suzanne…I’m so very sorry for your loss of Izzy! I completely understand the hurt and loss you’re feeling. As you know, I lost my Ozzie just 2 weeks ago. They passed in much the same way – and though the quickness in which they left us is so hard to come to grips with for us – it is a blessing for them. Izzy is a gorgeous girl! Hopefully, she and Ozzie have become fast friends in doggie heaven! Love and hugs to you, Suzanne. ❤️

    October 10, 2014
    • I am so sorry about Ozzie, but it gives me comfort to feel that Ozzie and Izzy are together in heaven and Daisey too! Thank you so much

      October 10, 2014
  9. Suzanne, my heart weeps for your loss. I can’t imagine losing such a sweet friend and part of my heart, I can tell by the sweet, loving, heart-felt way that you talk about her that she was your world. She was such a lucky dog to not only be loved so much, but to bring such love and peace and joy back to your life. Every dog (every BEING) only wishes they can have such an effect on someone else’s life, and I know Izzy had the best life while she was here. Thank you for being so vulnerable with us. We love you, we’re so sorry for your loss, and please let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do to help you during this time.

    October 10, 2014
    • Thank you so much, you don’t know how much your kind words and support mean to me. Thank you.

      October 10, 2014
  10. I’m so so sorry Suzanne. 😦 Maybe there’s a little bit of comfort in the fact that you didn’t have to make the decision and that she passed away peacefully at home. I know how difficult it is to lose a beloved dog; I still well up on a regular basis when I think about my white labrador who we had put down four years ago at the age of 17. RIP sweet Izzy.

    October 10, 2014
    • It is never easy and I still have the same reaction when I think about my other beloved dogs that have passed Thank you so much.

      October 10, 2014
  11. So sorry, Suzanne… Sending you lots of love and hugs. RIP, Izzy. ❤

    October 10, 2014
  12. aw so very sorry – we enjoyed seeing those pics. Dogs touch your life in such a very special way. Cook yourself all your favorite comfort food this weekend.

    October 10, 2014
  13. I know there’s only so much comfort that condolences can bring, but I am really so very sorry that Izzy passed on, Suzanne. Losing someone you love is never easy, but you have plenty of friends that are here for you ❤

    October 10, 2014
    • Thank you Jess it means so much to me, more than you can imagine having the support and kindness of my friends. Thank you.

      October 10, 2014
  14. I’m so sorry for your loss! Izzy sounded like the perfect little dog. I know she’ll live on in your heart ❤

    October 10, 2014
  15. Heartfelt condolences, Suzanne; RIP Izzy….Hugs to you.

    October 10, 2014
  16. T. Camille Martin #


    My heart to yours. That sweet little cupcake…

    I am so incredibly sorry, and I am so incredibly sad.

    Thanks to you and Izzy and Nando for welcoming Wyatt and me into our little neighborhood dog community. Izzy will always be in our hearts.

    She was such a love and such a sweet girl. Wyatt loves his pugs. Thinking of him pulling me down our block to great both of them makes me smile.

    With love, and gratitude [and tears],


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    October 10, 2014
    • Thank you so much Camille, you know how much I love you and Wyatt. Thank you for being there for me.

      October 10, 2014
  17. Bevi #

    Dear Suzanne,

    My heartfelt sympathy to you. I will always remember taking lovely little walks with you and your darlings.

    I am traveling and will call you when I get home.

    Lots of love, Bevi

    October 10, 2014
  18. Suzanne I’m so very sorry for your loss of Izzy. I know how special she was to you because I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time. I can imagine how sad you are. I have lost many animals and it hurts so deeply. They are so much more than an animal to us, they carry a piece of our heart and their love is unconditional. I pray for your peace and comfort and for Nando as well.

    October 10, 2014
    • Thanks Brandi. yes she was and will always be very special to me. The pain is almost incomprehensible, Nando is also not dealing well. He loved her.

      October 10, 2014
  19. How fortunate that you did not have to make that hard, hard decision, and also that you were there with her. What sad news for all of us, as we’ve loved your stories of Izzy and Nando for so long. Hold Nando close. Much love to you both.

    October 10, 2014
    • Thanks Cynthia. I appreciate you all being here for me and Nando.

      October 10, 2014
      • I ache deeply for you. And for Izzy. She must be feeling the loss as much as you.

        October 10, 2014
  20. Izzy obviously loved you and Nando very much. She passed on her own terms knowing that it was a decision you should not have to make. I know you know I am grieving for you and am sorry for your loss. I believe she will always stay with you in spirit and wants you to be happy. You might want to check out this website (not sure what you believe in with regards to that sort of thing…).

    Most of all, keep your heart open, be strong and remain soft. Nando will need you most right now. Sweet, precious Izzy…be free (from pain).

    October 10, 2014
    • Thank you Stacey, I believe that Izzy is still with me in spirit and always will be. Thank you so much. I have had sessions with animal communicators. I am a believer.
      Thank you so much for your kind words and genuine concern.

      October 10, 2014
  21. Suzanne, I’m so sorry to hear about Izzy. This is the hardest part of loving a pet.

    October 10, 2014
  22. Ah I do so know how you feel. Izzy is in doggie heaven now at peace. Cheryl

    October 10, 2014
    • Thank you Cheryl, I believe she is and is healthy and can breathe freely and is with her friends who have passed.

      October 10, 2014
      • Hey Suzanne-How are you doing a few days later? Still hurting my friend? Gosh, I know the void feeling so well. I am thinking about you. Cheryl

        October 15, 2014
      • Thank you so much Cheryl for checking in. It will hurt for a while I know but I am staying busy now which helps. I still have all of her stuff in the same place it always is, I can’t bring myself to put it away. Nando is very depressed people notice it when they see him. It’s hard but am coping. You are so kind to check on me. Thank you!

        October 15, 2014
      • Ok hang in there; I’ll be in touch. Cheryl

        October 16, 2014
      • Thank you!

        October 16, 2014
  23. Aw RIP Izzy x It’s so hard to lose a pet. Sending love x

    October 10, 2014
  24. Sorry for your loss. 😦

    October 10, 2014
  25. Oh my I am so so sorry you lost izzy 😦 my heart goes out to you I know the loss. It was my pugs birthday anniversary yesterday so I was thinking of him and how your pug pictures cheer me up. I hope Nando will be alright he must be distraught like you. Sending huuuge hugs your way xx

    October 10, 2014
    • I know you also recently lost your beloved pug, it’s so hard. Thank you so much for the love and support.

      October 10, 2014
  26. Maria DeBrango Stickel #

    We have sweet memories of your Izzy also. May you be comforted by your memories and the knowledge that you gave her a terrific life.
    Maria, Bernie, Maddie & Molliel

    October 10, 2014
    • Yes we do and thank you so much to all of you for the sweet words, it means so much to me. Thank you to all of you.

      October 10, 2014
  27. Oh Suzanne, I’m so sorry about your loss of Izzy. Beyond anything, this is the hardest part of sharing our lives and hearts with the pets we bring into our families. They give so much to us, and expand our lives in so many wonderful ways. Big hugs to both you and Nando. We’ve just started a new journey with a new puppy this week after being dogless now for a few years. Today is day #2 at home with her 🙂

    October 10, 2014
    • Thanks so much Susan, I look forward to pics and posts about your new family member. Every time I lose a pet a part of me dies with them, it’s very very hard. Thank you so much.

      October 10, 2014
  28. So, so sorry Suzanne. Very sad to hear this. I know how this feels and it is the worst feeling in the world. Hope Nando is ok. I know it is very upsetting to him too.

    October 10, 2014
    • It is the worst feeling in the world. Nando is having a hard time, he misses her I know. Thank you so much.

      October 10, 2014
  29. I’m so sorry, Suzanne. It is heartbreaking to lose our furry family members that are without fail, always there to cheer us up on a daily basis. It’s these times that you really feel the quiet and the “void” at home. Thinking of you….

    October 10, 2014
    • Thank you so much, yes, losing our companions that love unconditionally is a loss that is hard to recover from.

      October 10, 2014
  30. Suzanne, I am so sorry to hear about Izzy. I am thinking of you…

    October 10, 2014
  31. I am so sorry to hear about sweet Izzy. Dogs are members of our families and losing them brings such sadness. Prayers for your grieving and peace.

    October 10, 2014
    • Thanks so much Michelle, yes my Izzy was a much loved member of my family that will be missed so much.

      October 10, 2014
  32. I am so sorry Suzanne, I will miss seeing pictures of Izzy on your web site too! It’s very difficult to lose a pet, sending lots of love and hugs your way! 🙂

    October 10, 2014
    • Thanks so much Michael, I can barely deal with this loss right now.

      October 10, 2014
  33. I’m so sorry to hear this. Be kind to yourself 🙂

    October 10, 2014
  34. Loss is so difficult, I don’t know what to say. I will light a candle in church and say a prayer for you. B xxx

    October 10, 2014
  35. :((( That is too sad. I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart truly goes out to you and Nando.

    October 10, 2014
  36. M-R #

    Not a lot to be said. Suzanne: not a lot can replace having an animal one loves to share one’s life with, even if there is another.
    Nearly all of us have been there; so you will know that we understand this awfulness very well.
    And you have our very real sympathy, truly.

    October 10, 2014
  37. Oh, Suzanne… I am so very sorry for your loss. I wish there was something that I could say or do, that could ease your sadness. I’m thinking of you, and hope that the happy memories of beautiful little Izzy will help to ease that sadness for both you and Nando. Sending much love your way… ❤

    October 10, 2014
    • Thank you so much Prudy. It’s so hard to know what to say or do when faced with such a loss. Knowing my friends are there and understand is comforting.

      Sent from my iPhone


      October 10, 2014
  38. So sorry for your loss Suzanne. I learnt to understand your love and devotion for your pugs from every post where you mention them and I find no words, because I know that you must be terribly sad. My sincere condolences

    October 10, 2014
  39. So very sorry for your loss. I’m sure your dear Izzy felt loved…just as she loved you. Wishing you tender, lasting memories that will bring you joy and comfort.

    October 10, 2014
  40. Suzanne, my heart goes out to you (and also little Nando) with the loss of your sweet Izzy. That feeling of a chunk being taken out of your heart will soften slightly with time, but from experience will always be there as your mind and heart reach out for the wonderful memories of your lives shared together. Sending you much love and strength. M.x

    October 10, 2014
    • There is a hole in my heart and a void in my life. Thank you so much Margot.

      October 11, 2014
  41. The passing of our dearest friends is something we will never get over, Suzanne. I am so very sorry for your loss. I hope that peace finds its way into your life.

    October 11, 2014
  42. Oh Suzanne, I am very sorry for your loss 😦 I am unsure how to comfort you. Sending love and hugs your way <3<3

    October 11, 2014
    • Thank you so much Charanya, the support and love I have received from my dear blogger friends means the world to me.

      October 11, 2014
  43. Suzanne, I’m so sorry for your loss.

    October 11, 2014
  44. I am so sorry to hear about Izzy. Things can be so stupid sometimes and I just hope that you can begin to feel better knowing that Izzy had a happy life with you. Love and hugs in this difficult time.

    October 11, 2014
    • Thank you, yes she had a happy life and I was blessed to have her. I so appreciate your kindness.

      October 11, 2014
  45. Huge hugs from me and Mrs Fitz

    October 11, 2014
  46. My heart goes out to you Suzanne. As a dog owner – I know the huge place dogs occupy in one’s heart. Hugs Suzanne. xox

    October 11, 2014
    • Thank you so much Lindy. I am so sad and so is Nando. He is really not coping well and he is frail from old age and diabetes. I worry for him.

      October 11, 2014
  47. So sorry for your loss. I now understand that feeling of having a hole in my heart since the passing of my cat Marge earlier last month. She looks like she was well-loved and well taken care of, I’m sure she really appreciated it.

    October 11, 2014
    • Hi Dave, I am so sorry for your loss. It’s so difficult and yes the hole in the heart is all too real and profound. With time the pain lessens but never really goes away completely. Thank you so much.

      October 11, 2014
  48. Hi Suzanne, I’m back from Vancouver now, can’t wait to my own kitchen.
    But sadly to hear your lovely dog passed away, take care yourself!

    October 11, 2014
    • Thanks Mochi, it’s a very sad time here, I miss my Izzy so much. Thank you for the kind words.

      October 11, 2014
  49. A beautiful tribute to Izzy, who was so well loved. I am so sorry your gorgeous dog passed away Suzanne 😦
    Take care!


    October 11, 2014
  50. I am so sorry for your loss. What an adorable cute little dog. I know you had many wonderful times together. Memories to cherish. RIP Izzy ❤

    October 11, 2014
  51. I’m so sorry for your loss… Take care of yourself and never give up! Izzy is still present in your heart!

    October 12, 2014
    • Yes she is and thank you so much.

      October 12, 2014
      • What a tradic coincidence… My beloved horse died yesterday.:(

        October 21, 2014
      • Oh I am so sorry, I know how upset you must be. Horses, are beautiful, intelligent, loyal animals and I know you will miss him/her greatly. My sincere condolences.

        October 21, 2014
  52. I’m so sorry for your loss, Susanne! 😦 Sending you lots of love and hugs! ❤

    October 12, 2014
  53. cahyanidwy #

    Dear Sussane, I am sorry for your loss, please cheer up..

    October 12, 2014
  54. So sorry for you loss, Suzanne. Thanks for sharing these pictures.

    October 12, 2014
  55. Oh Suzanne, so sorry to. Hear about izzat… It’s rely. Sad. And toughest par of. Life… 😦

    October 13, 2014
  56. Such a sweet tribute Suzanne– She gave you so much and I hope you can find solace knowing how well you loved and cared for her. God keep you. xoxo

    October 13, 2014
  57. Suzanne, this was such a special and sweet tribute to Izzy, she is at peace and running around in luscious green fields filled with wild flower up in heaven, may God bless your heart and comfort you at this time. Thoughts are with you!

    October 13, 2014
  58. Oh Suzanne, I’m sorry to read about Izzy. Thinking of you and Nando – hope your are able to comfort each other as best you can.

    October 13, 2014
  59. Oh Suzanne – my heart goes out to you – I know how much a loving pet means and how you adore your pugs. The picture with Daisy is such a precious image. Take some comfort in that Izzy went on her own terms and what better way than in the arms of her loving mom.

    October 13, 2014
    • Thank you yes, I am comforted by the fact that Izzy went in my arms. She was loved.

      October 13, 2014
  60. I’m so sorry to hear about Izzy. I know how hard it is when you loose a beloved pet. Izzy had the best possible life a dog could wish for with you. You loved her to bits and she loved you. Not all dogs are so fortunate. Such beautiful photos of Izzy. A wonderful tribute. Emma xx

    October 13, 2014
  61. Fig & Quince #

    Dearest Suzanne, I’m so sorry for the loss of your sweet sweet Izzy. Everything that I want to tell you is what teagan geneviene said much more eloquently. You are in my thoughts and I’m glad Nando is there both as a solace and also as reason for you to rally.

    October 13, 2014
    • Thank you so much Azita, I really do appreciate all the support. It means the world to me.

      October 13, 2014
  62. Hoda #

    Sweet Suzanne, our 15 year old kitty Chebi passed one day before your Izzy, after a stroke in May and an extended transition.
    Let’s celebrate the joy they brought us and the love we had the privilege to wrap them in. Although difficult not to miss them, we are all part of the circle of life that demands we shed our outer ‘skin’ when it no longer functions properly. Rest assured our dear pets watch us with gratitude and a big smiles!

    October 13, 2014
    • Hoda, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Chebi. They are with us for such a short time and it’s so hard because it just doesn’t seem like it’s enough time with them. You are right though, we have to remember the love and joy they brought to us and we brought to them. Thank you for the wise words, reassurance and kindness.

      October 13, 2014
  63. I’m so sorry to hear about Izzy–I hope your special memories of her will bring you comfort during this time.

    October 13, 2014
  64. Liz #

    What lovely photos and memories. So sorry for your loss, Suzanne. I heart you even more now that I’ve seen the cupcake leash.

    October 14, 2014
    • Thank you, I loved her little cupcake harness and leash, when I saw it I knew it was for her. She was such a little girl and the pink and cupcakes were perfect.

      October 14, 2014
  65. Suzanne, I’m so very sorry to hear about Izzy. She sounds like such a special pup – love all the sweet photos you shared. Sending you warm hugs.

    October 14, 2014
  66. So sorry for your loss of Izzy. .. I can feel the pain your going through., as I mentioned earlier only the memories left behind…. RIP to sweet adorable darling Izzy…. Please do take care of yourself dear Suzanne….

    October 14, 2014
    • Thanks so much Chitra, I am so touched by your comment. Thank you.

      October 14, 2014
  67. I’m so sorry for your loss Suzanne. A little corner of your heart is now Izzy shaped so you can carry the sweetest memories.and he joy of having known Izzy.
    Nando is there to help you as you must help him now.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

    October 15, 2014
  68. I am so sorry. They are just so much a part of us, so much as family and friends. I send a hug.

    October 15, 2014
  69. I am very sorry for your loss, Suzanne. I hope your photos and memories of her will help you find peace. But at least you did not have to make that tough decision and Izzy passed away peacefully. You are in my thoughts.

    October 15, 2014
  70. I’m so very sorry for your loss. Sending love and well wishes your way ❤

    October 15, 2014
  71. Suzanne–I’m so sorry to hear about Izzy. I only met her that one time but she was incredibly sweet and I know she will always hold a special place in your heart.

    October 15, 2014
    • Thank you Melissa, you got to meet Izzy before her health started deteriorating. She was the sweetest girl.

      October 15, 2014
  72. I had not dropped by for a few days, but feel so badly to hear about Izzy. I understand perfectly what you mean by the special bond that can occur between a person and an animal. At the risk of sounding really “out there” sometimes I think certain animals can be like a soul mate for a person, and it sounds as if Izzy is your “soul” dog. My Gibson is mine. I thought I rescued him, but it was obvious it was the other way around.

    My heart goes out to you. The love, affection and care you obviously lavish on your pugs is a credit to you – I think if one treats animals well, its a reflection of how you treat others in the world, too. Our pets are with us for such a short time, really, and I’m sure Izzy, if she could say so, she’d tell you she had a wonderful life, which is no small thing for a dog!

    October 15, 2014
    • Yes, you do not sound “out there” at least to me. Izzy was my soul dog, she was special and although we rescued her she really did rescue me. They are with us such a short time and I hope she will say that in her 13 years with me she knows she was loved and cared for to the very best of my ability. Thank you so much, your comment means so much to me.

      October 15, 2014
  73. Sue #

    Dear Suzanne, sorry so late to send my condolences and I hope that you are not missing Izzy too bad all the time . . . . loss is so sad and painful!!!! Think of all the happy memories and I’m sure Izz is smiling down on you from dog heaven. IN THE MEANTIME, congrats on winning the Food52 contest! Amazing!!!!

    October 16, 2014
    • Thank you so much Sue, it’s a week today that Izzy passed, It hurts yes, definitely and I miss her every day but I am going about my business and things will get better. Thank you also I was really so happy that my meatloaf recipe was chosen.

      October 16, 2014
  74. So sorry for your loss Suzanne.

    October 17, 2014
  75. Suzanne I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard losing a dog can be, they squirm their way into our hearts and warm them like little else. Izzy had such a sweet little face, I loved seeing her pop up in photos. Sending lots of love your way 🙂

    October 18, 2014
  76. My sweet Suzanne, I am so sorry for your loss. I had a crush on Izzy virtually, loved hearing pug adventures. My little niece wrote the cutest story book called, “Safety Pugs”; about her pugs after they went to sleep forever. I shared it on the blog as a homage to them & her. I am sending you the sweetest wishes and blessings! XOXOXO Give yourself and Nando a great big hug from me!

    October 18, 2014
  77. oh Suzanne, I’m so sorry for your loss. She really was a very loved pug. Sending a virtual hug your way xx

    October 20, 2014
  78. Oh Suzanne, I’m so sorry to read about your loss xx my heart absolutely goes out to you, sending so much love xx

    October 23, 2014
    • It’s two weeks today since she passed and I still feel like there is an open wound. Thank you so much Elaine.

      October 23, 2014
      • Oh honey 😦 give yourself lots of time xx it took me a long time to get over the loss of Nog last year, they’re so special to us x

        October 23, 2014
      • Thank you!

        October 23, 2014
  79. So sorry to hear about your Izzy – my good spirit in the house is aging too and I dread the day he wont be around anymore but try to enjoy him as long as I have him – how fortunate that she took the dreaded decision from you though, and that she was able to leave you on her own terms at home. I dont think you ever forget them really – somehow they stay around.

    October 24, 2014
    • I will never forget and taking from me having to make that decision was one last way my Izzy showed me her love. Thanks so much.

      October 24, 2014
  80. Oh I am so sorry, Suzanne! I’m going through your posts as I was traveling from Sept. 24 until Oct. 20 in the UK and Italy and was out of touch with everyones’ posts! This is such sad news! Hope each day eases the pain for you. ❤

    November 1, 2014
    • Thanks Christina, I miss her terribly and every day think of her. Nando is having a very hard time, they were together for 13 years, inseparable, he is not adjusting to her not being here

      November 1, 2014
  81. Oh Suzanne, I am so, so very sorry for your loss. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. Big hugs to you and Nando. ❤

    November 2, 2014
    • Thanks Patty, it was sudden and unexpected. Nando has been sick for 6 years with diabetes but must be much stronger than she was. The doctors think it could have been congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension that took her from me. It’s been almost a month and it’s still very hard to cope with.

      November 3, 2014
      • Poor baby girl…I hope you’re okay, Suzanne. Text me if you need!!

        November 5, 2014
      • Thanks so much Patty, really appreciate it.

        November 5, 2014
  82. so, so, late…but I am so sorry for your loss, Suzanne. May Izzy rest in peace at dog heaven. 😦

    November 3, 2014
    • Thank you Fae, it was such a difficult thing for me to come to grips with. I know she is in heaven with her friends.

      November 3, 2014

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