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Lemon Curd

Many moons have past since I made my version of the royal wedding cake that the uber talented Claire Ptak of Violet Bakery London made. I took the cake to a friends July 4th BBQ and it was a big hit, so much so that now I get requests to make it every year. This year I am making it for Easter dessert, I love the color of lemons, yellow is such a happy color and screams Spring. I used a different recipe for the lemon curd than in my original recipe, honestly its a recipe I posted on Food52 years ago and had forgetten about it, the recipe is a mixed citrus curd but instead I used only lemons. I had forgotten how good this recipe is and how perfectly it works as a filling in layer cakes. The curd is very stable and holds up beautifully. I decided to post this recipe for two reason’s, it’s really good, but I am also forcing myself to get used to this new WordPress and as they say practice makes perfect. I made a change in the recipe, not just using only lemons instead of a variety of citrus but the original recipe calls for 6 egg yolks, I had 5 that I needed to use and added 1 whole egg as well, it really turned out well. I still haven’t figured out how to preview before posting.

Lemon Curd

Makes 3 cups

5 egg yolks plus one whole egg

1 1/2 cups granulated sugar

pinch of kosher salt

zest of 2 lemons

1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice

4 oz (1 stick) cold unsalted butter cut into tbs size pieces

In mixing bowl add the egg yolks and egg, sugar and salt, beat with a hand held mixer until thick and creamy. Add the lemon zest and lemon juice stirring to combine.

Pour into a non reactive heavy saucepan and cook stirring constantly on medium low until sugar is dissolved and its hot to the touch.

Add the butter a tbs at a time stirring constantly and continue to cook until it registers 175 on thermometer. Pour through a sieve into a lidded container, let cool to room temperature and then refrigerate until ready to use.

7 Comments Post a comment
  1. Fabulous flavor. 🍃🍋

    March 27, 2021
  2. I love lemons and yellow, Suzanne. Even though I can’t eat eggs this is marvelous to imagine. No virtual allergies! 😀 So forgive me if I’ve gotten focused on how wonderful your photo is. You’ve always shown a terrific eye for composition, but this one is especially good. I see so many textures there — the wood, the lemons, and even the weave of the cloth shows. I like the asymmetrical placement of the container and chair-back — and of course the colors. Sorry to enthuse, but there are so many of my favorite things there. Enjoy that delicious dessert. Hugs on the wing.

    March 27, 2021
    • Thank you so much, wanna hear something funny? Everytime I make something with eggs, I think about you and your egg allergy, I’m like damn Teagan could not eat this, that’s the honest truth. Your egg allergy is always on my mind. You are so kind thank you for saying that about the photo!! I love photography and would really like to learn how to use a camera, I only use my iPhone. You just made my day thank you🥰🥰🥰❤️

      March 27, 2021
      • Suzanne, you ARE a photographer. Your phone is taking great photos. Many people tell me that phone cameras are quite good now. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

        April 8, 2021
  3. Reblogged this on Pattys World and commented:
    Good afternoon to you all and happy #WordPressWednesday
    I don’t know about you, but to me, there’s nothing better than warm cake. So, here it is break time and Tasha’s just in time with a cake recipe.

    March 31, 2021
  4. Delicius recipe, thank you! Wishes from Lithuania!

    April 30, 2022

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