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Inspire Me!


I am in a bit of a slump, I feel like I make the same things over and over again and quite frankly I am boring myself. I have a zillion cookbooks and I subscribe to so many great blogs but I don’t really know what direction to go, what to cook that will knock my socks off and thrill and excite me. I need a challenge. I was sitting at my computer with a pile of cookbooks and reading and commenting on the many blogs that I follow and it came to me. You, my fellow bloggers are my inspiration, I look at your posts and think oh yes, I really want to make this but then I get caught up in daily activities and more blog posts come in and the same thing happens.

So here is what I ask of you, send me a link to one of your recipes. Something you would like to see me make. I will feed them into and won’t tell you the results. I will post the chosen recipe with photo’s and a link to your blog. So what do you think of my idea? Would you send me a recipe to make?  The  deadline for submission is Monday Oct. 13th and I will post the chosen recipe on Friday Oct. 17th and it will be my submission to Fiesta Friday. You will get full recognition for your great recipe, I am only the vehicle preparing it.

If you would like for me to cook one of your recipes just leave a comment with the link. I have no dietary restrictions, vegan, vegetarian, international cuisine it’s all fair game. I only ask that you keep the ingredients simple, nothing hard to locate in the US, and PLEASE nothing with organ meats, offal, fish heads, eyeballs or the like I don’t eat that. Sweet or savory I love it all. A complete meal or one item. I am excited at the thought of preparing a dish from one of your blogs. I will ask one of my wine expert friends to help me pair the perfect wine with the savory dish.

You all inspire me daily now I want to cook!

UPDATE: I am so inspired now that I decided to make two dishes one savory and 0ne sweet. How could I not?

97 Comments Post a comment
  1. Suzanne, it would be an honor to have you make one of my dishes, there are very few cooks I know who are as talented as you. Not sure why, but somehow I see you making my Spiced Swiss Chard Cobbler with Cornmeal Biscuits, 🙂

    October 7, 2014
    • I love that recipe, yes I have already saved it to evernote. So glad you picked that you are intuitive.

      October 7, 2014
      • What is evernote? That sounds like something I need.

        October 8, 2014
      • Evernote is an online recipe book. I love it, you copy and paste or transfer recipes into your notebooks for folders, Go to and check it out. Keeps my recipes nice and organized, I have them all at the click of the mouse.

        October 8, 2014
    • The honor would be mine!

      October 7, 2014
  2. Really cool idea, Suzanne! I’d love to see you make something, anything with this!

    October 7, 2014
    • When I saw this on your site it had me written all over it, I am a Autumn/Fall kinda gal and this spice blend is perfect. Thanks so much.

      October 7, 2014
  3. What a great idea Suzanne! My suggestion would be this as it’s typically French, typically Autumn and the ultimate in ‘comfort’ food. I can just kind of imagine you appreciating and I would love to see your ‘version’ of it…

    Cassoulet and mouthfuls of sand

    October 7, 2014
  4. Oh my gosh Suzanne – this is too good to be true! I just wish we could cook together. I have a suggestion for something so ridiculously easy you’ll scoff. But you won’t once you taste it. This is my Tiramisu recipe and probably my favourite thing of all time. I also love the story behind the name which you will know given your background. If you make it – just make sure you give yourself 24 hours – because eating it early will be useless – it needs to sit and absorb the coffee and liqueur. Bon appetit my friend – whatever you choose to make – have fun in the kitchen. Cook with love and abandon. 🙂

    October 7, 2014
    • It’s perfect Lindy, tiramisu is one of my all time favorites I think I am going to have to make two dishes, savory and sweet. I love everything thats submitted.

      October 7, 2014
      • Have fun choosing and cooking! Such a sweet idea. I love it. There were about five dishes I wanted to recommend. I wonder what you’d recommend if I copied you… hmmmm… I’d love to know.

        October 7, 2014
      • Gee I would have a hard time picking, one of my all time favorites both what you wrote and the recipe is your “toad in the hole” the homage to your grandfather, then there is the Almond rhubarb cake, or the droolworthy chocolate fig tart. YUM!!

        October 7, 2014
  5. Since it’s autumn here’s a couple of options that are great treats, enjoy
    Beef stifado:
    Or sweet plum and hazelnut crunch cake:

    October 7, 2014
    • I love it, yes. Love plums and hazelnuts and of course cake and the yorkshire pudding and slow cooked beef. Delicious. Thank you so much.

      October 7, 2014
  6. Let me start by saying that I’m not a cook. But I would love to see someone make the Pizza Cake I found online not long ago. You should give it a shot!

    October 7, 2014
    • I love your blog, it is inspiring and I really enjoy your daily quotes. I saw the post with the pizza cake, now that is a challenge but it is picked in the random drawing I will give it my best shot. LOL!! Thank you.

      October 7, 2014
      • Thanks! Hopefully it gets picked. Just think about it, every pizza lover will love you forever 🙂

        October 7, 2014
      • Or not if I fail, LOL!!

        October 7, 2014
  7. petra08 #

    Oh I was just there, looking for inspiration but I never thought of your clever idea! 🙂 If you still need ideas here is one for something a little different these dumplings are easy to make (as long as you buy the dumpling skins, they should be easy to find in an Asian food store, most likely in the deep frozen section.

    A prawn bake with a cheesy courgette bechamel

    They were popular with adults as well as the kids. 🙂

    October 7, 2014
    • Oh I remember this recipe and it does sound delicious. I want everyone to submit a recipe by Oct, 13 and will pick it randomly or if left to me I could never decide they all sound so delicious. I remember noting how comforting and delicious this recipe sounded when I read it on your blog, Thank you so much,

      October 7, 2014
  8. Loved the idea Suzanne :). I will send you mine. You want me to send an indian curry or something else like a pho or a noodle soup ? More choice to pick from :).

    October 7, 2014
    • I love them both so much, you pick I would be more than happy to prepare either one, Your recipes always inspire me.

      October 7, 2014
  9. Good Luck in the selection process…I know you’ll have fun with it! Cheryl

    October 7, 2014
  10. That’s a brilliant idea ❤ Something really super quick for you

    October 7, 2014
    • Love it Charanya, I have some sweet potatoes just waiting for an inspiring recipe. Thank you.

      October 7, 2014
  11. What a wonderful, get out of a slump idea, Suzanne! I seem to be stuck in the same rut myself…can’t wait to see what you come up with!

    October 7, 2014
  12. Such a good idea! Get some delicious comfort pasta into you! hopefully you’ll love it…. 🙂

    October 7, 2014
    • When you talk pasta especially pappardelle you really are speaking my language. Delicious recipe. Thank you Matt.

      October 7, 2014
  13. Ahh,now I get it! What an awesome idea! You are so awesome!

    October 7, 2014
    • Thanks Michelle, I really really look forward to our collaboration!! What fun.

      October 7, 2014
  14. Suzanne, this is a lovely idea! There are so many great cooks out there.
    I can’t compete with them, so I will just say that I hope some time you’ll treat yourself to a hearty pot of Posole. It is the best thing I “brought” with me from Albuquerque.
    My recipe isn’t written down, but I looked at ingredients from a dozen before figuring out what needed to be in mine.
    Sending you sunshine-super hugs. 🙂

    October 7, 2014
    • Thank you so much Teagan, I wish you had a recipe or at least the ingredients I would love to try Posole, I’ve heard it’s delicious. Perfect for cool Fall weather.

      October 7, 2014
      • I listed the ingredients somewhere — i can give you those later (i’m not at home now). Hugs!

        October 8, 2014
      • No rush Teagan, excited to see the ingredients. There is a posole recipe on Food 52 I can use that as a guide.

        October 8, 2014
  15. Hey Suzanne! What fun! Here is something I made when I had just started to blog, thus I only included one photo in the post: Spinach and Peanut Roll-Ups. These are sensational – what I consider to be a show-stopper!

    Can’t wait to see what you make! Here is the link:

    October 7, 2014
    • Oh my do those look and sound delicious. This is so difficult because I love all the recipes everyone is submitting. I want to make all of them. Thank you so much.

      October 7, 2014
  16. Fig & Quince #

    Looks like you have lots of good suggestions already, so I’ll just ring in here with approval and applauding a brilliant idea to crowd source us for inspiration. I can’t wait to find out what you’ll end up making.

    October 7, 2014
    • Oh I wish you would submit a recipe you have so many wonderful recipes on your blog and you know my love of Persian food. Thanks so much Azita.

      October 7, 2014
    • Oh and I hope you are feeling better.

      October 7, 2014
  17. M-R #

    This is a fun idea. But what about we ignoramuses who aren’t actually cooks ?

    October 7, 2014
    • Ha, ignoramus I think not, you can send a link to a recipe you like to eat, not necessarily a recipe that you make. I would be more than pleased to make it. If only I had the gift that you have for the written word.

      October 7, 2014
  18. Good evening Suzanne!! Wonderful idea and it looks like you have gotten a lot off suggestion too. I am going leave you another suggestion, how about a Andes Mint Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Ganache?

    October 7, 2014
    • Oh wow, love Andes Mints, I haven’t had one in a long time. An Andes Mint cake with ganache, Oh yes!!!

      October 7, 2014
    • Michael, those cupcakes sound amazing! I love Andes mints- used to ask for them from santa. 🙂

      October 8, 2014
  19. Liz #

    What a great idea, Suzanne 🙂 Though don’t put too much pressure on yourself to knock your socks off, etc. It’s also fun to see the everyday, especially when written up by a lovely writer such as yourself 🙂 Seriously, thrilling can be overrated. (that said, I like to be thrilled as much as the next guy)

    You’ve been around my place for a while, but will dig back and see what I can find. How about this?

    It was fun to make something I usually buy from a can.

    October 7, 2014
    • It’s perfect Liz, I love black beans and the recipe is wonderful. Thank you so much.

      October 7, 2014
  20. I think your blog has such variety to it, it is one of the things that I find attractive about it. I love cooking but am not a recipe creator so I have no original recipe to summit. I look forward to seeing what dishes you cook as a result of inspiration from your fellow bloggers. 😉

    October 8, 2014
    • You don’t have to cook and it doesn’t have to be original, you can pick a recipe you love if you like and submit. Thank you so much.

      October 8, 2014
  21. Wow Suzanne, lovely idea.. Mail you… 🙂 🙂

    October 8, 2014
  22. What a fantastic idea Suzanne and I totally agree…I’m so inspired all the time seeing other bloggers! I can simply see a beautiful bowl of cherries and all of a sudden my mind starts racing with ideas to use cherries!
    This sounds super exciting! Right away, I know what recipe I would be honored if you made…especially since it is vegan, gluten-free, oil-free and only 8 ingredients, yet it is won over by my readers who are not vegan or gluten-free, which is why I would LOVE your opinion on it…it is my Fudgy Coconut Butter Brownies. I may be the only vegan submission, don’t know, but nobody certainly would know they are vegan or gluten-free by taste, guaranteed 🙂
    Great idea!

    October 8, 2014
    • Brandi those brownies are incredible. I saw them when you posted them and I loved them then and I may just have to make them even if they don’t make the random list. Thank you so much. I know you make your own coconut butter but I wonder if my blender will work. I’ll give a try,

      October 8, 2014
  23. shashi @ #

    Suzanne – this is such a BRILLIANT idea!!! so if I cannot do this then please disregard the second recipe – but I am gonna submit a recent savory pasta dish I made – the sauce was so good I would LOVE for you to enjoy it too – it is super quick and budget friendly too : and my second recipe – (like I said, please disregard if 2 cannot be submitted )

    October 8, 2014
    • Oh thank you so much Shashi, I am so pleased that you submitted 2 recipes I will put one in savory one in sweet when I pick. Thank you so much. I just saw your post this morning and must say it looks fantastic.

      October 8, 2014
  24. Great idea Suzanne,love it. I have two recipes, fast and simple: Two Omelettes, a savory one and a sweet one.

    October 8, 2014
    • I love it Linda, simple and tasty is what I am all about. Thank you so much.

      October 8, 2014
    • Oh my they are both incredible and I would love to eat/make both. Delicious and thank you so much.

      October 8, 2014
  25. Suzanne, this is a fabulous idea!!! Please include a favorite dish of YOURS that we can all make!! Try this one:

    October 8, 2014
    • I love that farro salad, I’ve got everything for it, going to make it even if it isn’t the one that is randomly picked. Thanks so much Em!

      October 8, 2014
  26. This is such a fun idea! I’ll throw out the Truffle Mac and Cheese Bun Burger 🙂

    October 8, 2014
    • I remember that one, now thats an inspired recipe. Thanks so much Sarah!

      October 8, 2014
  27. What a brilliant idea! I would be honoured if you made one of my recipes! Here is the recipe for my sticky toffee pudding cupcakes, a classic British cake with a modern twist! 😀

    October 8, 2014
    • Love those cupcakes Jessica, they were bookmarked because I love sticky toffee pudding and thought this is a brilliant and creative variation. Thank you.

      October 8, 2014
  28. I love this idea!
    Here’s my contribution, my viennese whirls – because they’re so simple but they taste like you spent hours and hours slaving in the kitchen! I’d love to see your take on them :

    Or, if you’re feeling in a fall mood, my pumpkin pie ice cream

    October 8, 2014
    • So glad I am getting such great desserts. Both sound amazing. Thanks so much Michelle.

      October 8, 2014
  29. Wow, what a great idea. The same thing happens to me. I have so many on my mental list of things to make. When all else fails I usually go back to the Jerusalem cookbook, though I”m running out of things to try there. While this one is not my best post, and the photos were before I learned how to take pics, this is seriously one of the best things I’ve made since I started blogging. Totally worth trying out. Enjoy your experimenting! Can’t wait to see the results.

    October 8, 2014
    • I love Jerusalem cookbook, I have the new Huckleberry cookbook, I am just in a big of a slump and I need inspiration, I know it happens to everyone at one time or another, The beetroot burgers and halloumi hot pepper jam sounds just wonderful, the color is just beautiful and I love halloumi. I will find some hot pepper jam, all I have is tomato. Thank you so much Amanda, it’s a wonderful recipe.

      October 8, 2014
  30. I often find myself in a slump. Coming out of a slump is like a reawakening. I chose my balsamic braised thighs for you because it was one of those dishes that brought me out of a slump and toward recovery. I am sure your slump will not last long. Cooking is always a good idea, even if it doesn’t seem so at the time.

    One from “the book(s)”

    October 8, 2014
    • Stacey what a great dish, love anything braised and the braising liquid in this recipe is wonderful, also really like how you presented an entire meal with the endive. Gorgeous and thank you so much. I can see how this would be a restorative meal.

      October 8, 2014
  31. Amazing idea, Suzanne! I wish we could cook a dish (any one) together and then take photos! 😀 Anyway, I’m so excited! Of course, I would be honored if you made my dish!
    Here is the link, syrniki are kinda pancakes, but very thick and made from cottage cheese (farmer cheese or ricotta), very easy to recreate, tasty and healthy! 🙂


    October 8, 2014
    • That would be so much fun!! I would love to cook with you. I would love to make your dish, the pancakes sound great, love pancakes. Thank you so much.

      October 8, 2014
  32. Amazing thought Suzanne. .. will share mine but am just confused as to which one to share? 🙂 🙂

    October 8, 2014
  33. I am not nearly as sophisticated as others here, but:

    Trofie con Fungi

    October 8, 2014
    • It’s fantastic I love recipes like that, leave something to the imagination and are profound in their simplicity, it sounds wonderful Jeff. Thank you.

      October 8, 2014
  34. kebabs?

    October 9, 2014
  35. Hi Suzanne, I’ve been away the past few days, so am just catching up now on my favourite blogs! I’ll have a think and get back to you by Monday with my recipe. M.xx

    October 10, 2014
    • I do hope you submit a recipe, love them!

      October 11, 2014
      • Suzanne, with such a heart-breaking week, I’m not sure if perhaps you’ll postpone this wonderful ‘Inspire Me’ idea? or perhaps it will be a much needed distraction? Just in case, I’ve attached a somewhat autumnal-inspired recipe that would hopefully bring comfort, warmth and a little love into your kitchen and home when you need it most… Margot.xx

        October 13, 2014
      • Oh Margot the fritata is wonderful, thank you so much. Keeping busy helps so I will go on and post the recipe I made on Friday. Thank you so much.

        October 13, 2014
  36. Awesome idea!!!! Here is mine.

    Vegetables in Pastry

    October 13, 2014
  37. Wow Suzanne what a great idea and you have SO Many responses, I think that is great, I myself will have to check out so many of these recipes and blogs too. I thought about a few to give you, but try to go through and give you one that maybe you have not seen, and there were a few, but this is one I picks, its simple and easy 🙂 Good Luck picking one, we will all enjoy it when you post 🙂

    October 13, 2014
    • Amy thank you, that is a fantastic recipe for bread pudding. I’ve saved it and even if it isn’t picked in the random drawing it will be made. I make bread pudding every year around Holiday time. Love the recipe.

      October 13, 2014

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