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Orange Angel Food Cake, Whipped Cream Frosting And Berries For Fiesta Friday #60


This is a very special Fiesta Friday, we have new digs, I mean this is exciting our own space for the party, check it out!! Angie@The Novice Gardener has surprised us all with this gorgeous new home for our party. Thanks so much Angie!!! This weeks co hosts are Tracy @Scratch It Cook and Nancy @Feasting With Friends.

For this special party in our new home I am bringing cake, a light as a feather angel food cake flavored with the zest of a mandarin orange, I frosted the cake with an orange scented whipped cream frosting and loaded the top of the cake with fresh berries sprinkled with some orange scented sugar. Can you tell I am a fan of orange.

Angel Food Cake

James McNair

  • 2 cups egg whites at room temperature
  • 1 1/2 cup sugar divided
  • 2 tsp cream of tartar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup cake flour
  • zest of 1 orange (I used a mandarin)

Pre heat oven to 325 degree’s. Place egg whites in a scrupulously clean bowl of a stand mixer with the whisk attachment. Beat the eggs until frothy and add the cream of tartar. Continue beating on medium high until egg whites are billowy, now add 3/4 cup sugar a tabelespoon at a time beating continuously. Beat the whites until they are somewhat stiff and hold shape when you lift the whisk, add the zest and vanilla and beat just until combined.

Place a sieve over a bowl and add the flour, sugar and salt and sieve twice. Sift over the beaten egg whites and gently fold in. Make sure all the dry ingredients are mixed into the whites. Place in your 10 inch tube pan with removable bottom. Bake for approximately 50 minutes or until the cake is golden brown and tester comes out clean. Cool the cake upside down the angel food cake pan has feet that it rests on. Let cake cool completely. Run a small flexible offset spatula around the cake the outer edges and around the tube. Gently push the bottom up and then turn cake upside down and run the spatula or a knife around the edges of the bottom of the bottom to release the cake. Store in air tight container until ready to use.


Whipped Cream Frosting

James McNair

 generously frosts a 9 in cake

  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch
  • 2 cups Heavy whipping cream
  • 1 teaspoon Pure vanilla extract
  • orange liquor like Grand Marnier or orange extract to taste
  1. Place metal bowl and wire whisk beater or beaters in freezer to chill.
  2. In a small saucepan combine the powdered sugar and cornstarch whisk until mixed. Slowly whisk in 1/2 cup heavy cream whisk until smooth. Place on medium heat and stir constantly to prevent scorching at the bottom stir constantly until mixture thickens and almost comes to a boil. Remove from heat, transfer to a bowl and set aside stirring occasionally until it reaches room temperature. Make sure it is completely cooled before adding to the heavy cream..Very Important!!!
  3. In the chilled bowl combine the remaining 1 1/2 cups of heavy cream and the vanilla beat with the chilled whisk of your stand mixer or your hand held mixer until the cream begins to hold shape, it will still be rather loose. While still beating add the powdered sugar mixture a little at a time. Beat just until the mixture forms stiff peaks when the beater is raised and is spreadable, be careful not to over beat. Use immediately.





Strawberries Blended into a coulis.

Orange sugar- orange zest and sugar to sprinkle on fruit

The strawberries were just not good enough to put on the cake so I made a coulis by blending the strawberries with a little orange sugar and 2 tbs mandarin orange juice.




135 Comments Post a comment
  1. Ooh, Suzanne, spectacular!!! I bet that cake would also be sublime w/ almond extract!!

    March 22, 2015
  2. What a beautiful looking cake. I love the flavor of citrus.

    March 22, 2015
    • Thank you me too, anything citrus, it is so fresh and brightens everything.

      March 22, 2015
  3. What a gorgeous cake, Suzanne. I make no claims to being a cook, let alone a chef. So I’m not familiar with the idea of “scented” cream or sugar. I imagine the scent gives just a hint of flavor. Sounds delicious. Plus angel food was my favorite. Fiesta hugs! 😀

    March 22, 2015
    • Thats exactly right Teagan, I used the term scented because the flavor of the citrus in the frosting is barely there, just a hint. I love angel food cake also, it’s so light, free of fat (not sugar) and so delicious. Thanks so much!!

      March 22, 2015
  4. Love, Love, Love this! I too love Citrus. Ever hear of Tayberries? I love berries any type! Great job my friend! Hugs to Nando.

    March 22, 2015
    • Never heard of tayberries but will google them and see what they are. Do you like them? Thanks so much and gave Nando a hug from you.

      March 22, 2015
      • Yes, love tayberries and make breakfast muffins with them. Thought may be available at your CSA at some point, you may like to try them out? Something different.

        March 22, 2015
      • I’ll make a point of finding them. Going to google so I know what they look like. Thank you!

        March 22, 2015
      • A cross between raspberries and blackberries, Suzanne! I usually add zest and juice of a Valencia orange to muffin batter when using tayberries (they can be tart) and they make a lovely breakfast muffin in my humble opinion.

        March 22, 2015
      • Googled and now I know what they look like, will keep my eye out for them. They do sound wonderful. Thanks for the tip. Would really love to make a tayberry pie.

        March 22, 2015
  5. Never had an orange angel food before. I can only imagine how it tastes.

    March 22, 2015
    • I frequently flavor angel food cakes, made one once with a Thai flavor profile, lemon grass and Thai Basil, I have fun playing with flavoring these cakes. They are like a blank palette. Thank you so much.

      March 22, 2015
  6. What a beautiful cake! The cake itself looks so light in texture. Love the orange zest in it. 🙂

    March 22, 2015
  7. My love of citrus is still alive and well this season and this cake looks EXACTLY like the thing I need right now. 🙂 Not only is your cake beautiful, but the flavor sounds outstanding! Love the touch of fresh berries too. Thanks for bringing the cake to Fiesta Friday, Suzanne!

    March 22, 2015
  8. I should never read your blog when I am hungry….

    March 22, 2015
  9. skd #

    Delicious flavors in a gorgeous cake. I have a stock of oranges in the fridge and this recipe came at the right time.

    March 22, 2015
    • Thank you. I love oranges, love to use them in both sweet and savory recipes.

      March 22, 2015
  10. Beautiful!! I love the piles of berries!

    March 22, 2015
  11. Love a light cake with whipped cream frosting and fresh berries. If I tell you that I made a vanilla cake with whipped cream and fresh fruits n pineapple yesterday to celebrate Amit’s birthday (my hubby); will you believe it?
    Yor cake looks divine and must be super soft. I have to try this. Next cake in my kitchen is this!! Amazing.

    March 22, 2015
    • Really, we both must have been on the same wave length. I love a vanilla cake with cream and berries.or fruit. One of my most loved cakes and one that is always requested is a vanilla cake, pinapple filling, whipped cream frosting and it’s covered in coconut.. Thanks Sonal.

      March 22, 2015
  12. Wow – this cake is stunning. It looks so light and fluffy and the different berries add a beautiful touch of colour…

    March 22, 2015
    • Thank you, the cake is so light it’s almost weightless, the berries are so beautiful.

      March 22, 2015
  13. This is a very special cake indeed, it looks glorious. I so wish I could have a slice. 🙂

    March 22, 2015
    • Thank you so much. It was a lovely cake, light and creamy and the berries made it feel like it is Spring.

      March 22, 2015
  14. I have 5 excess egg whites in the fridge right now, so perhaps this is a good option! Angel food cake and with whipped cream 🙂 it must be such a lightly and fluffy combination.

    March 22, 2015
    • I always love having angel food cake, yes it’s so light and so fluffy, really such a delicious dessert. Thank you so much.

      March 22, 2015
  15. What a gorgeous angel food cake perfect for spring. Love the orange addition and the fresh berries on top.

    March 22, 2015
    • Thank you so much, it did remind me of Spring, thats was my motivation for making it.

      March 22, 2015
  16. Oh wow – Suzanne – I am loving the texture of that angel food cake! And pairing it with that whipped cream frosting and berries is making me wanna reach into the screen and grab me a bite!

    March 22, 2015
    • Thanks Shashi, I love angel food cake. the cake is light so is the frosting making this cake amazingly light and fluffy. Thank you again.

      March 22, 2015
  17. An outstanding welcome to spring!

    March 22, 2015
  18. Your cake looks just amazing! I’ve never used a whipped cream frosting – it looks good and sounds delicious.

    March 22, 2015
    • I love whipped cream frosting, it’s not overly sweet and so light. Thank you so much.

      March 22, 2015
  19. Such a gorgeous celebratory cake Suzanne! Absolutely stunning the way you’ve decorated with the frosting and berries! Would love to try this one day. 🙂

    March 22, 2015
    • It’s a great Spring and summer cake, very light and delicious. Thanks Margot!

      March 22, 2015
  20. Looks light enough to float away. So, if it disappears you’ll know it floated off through that open window over there won’t you?
    xxx Huge Hugs Suzanne xxx

    March 22, 2015
    • Oh oh the cake is floating out the window, LOL, thanks David. I’ll weight it down so it doesn’t float away,

      March 22, 2015
  21. So cool, the last photo looks like a slice of snowman, smiling.

    March 22, 2015
  22. That looks wonderful! I love angel food cake, it’s just so light and fluffy 🙂

    March 22, 2015
  23. Looks absolutely wonderful and I love the citrus addition. Yum!

    March 22, 2015
  24. This has to be as light as a feather. And has to be sumptious. Hold on, scrumptious. Or even sumptuous! Not sumptious. Had both words in mind. I’ve never had one of these cakes. And it reads as if it’s fairly easy to make. Does it have to be baked in a special tube pan? As I don’t think we have those here. What about a Bundt tin, as I have one of those. Hmm, and mandarins…me thinks my face might just fall into the centre of the cake! And then slurp to my hearts content. 🙂

    March 22, 2015
  25. You just sold me…This cake looks terrific!

    March 22, 2015
  26. Gasp!! And I’ve been craving oranges!! Finally ate 2 today. Been staying in bed all day (sneezing, popping ears 😥 ) But this gorgeous cake!! I can’t take my eyes off it. Like Johnny I want to swim in it! Thanks for bringing this to Fiesta Friday, Suzanne! 😘

    March 22, 2015
    • Thanks so much Angie! I have been craving oranges too, I have orange juice, orange in salads, can’t get enough, I’ve taken it to dessert now.

      March 23, 2015
  27. This looks absolutely gorgeous!! I haven’t had angel food cake in forever.. perhaps it’s time to remedy that!

    March 22, 2015
  28. Traditionally Modern Food #

    I m in love with ur cakes..with berries I can eat 1,2, 3 no I can finish the cake

    March 22, 2015
    • Angel food is so light it’s easy to eat a lot of it. Thank you so much.

      March 23, 2015
  29. Liz #

    oooooo–so pretty! Love how it’s “healthy,” too 🙂

    March 22, 2015
  30. Looks beyond fantastic!

    March 23, 2015
  31. This sounds fabulous Suzanne 🙂

    March 23, 2015
  32. How absolutely divine!! I would never want to cut that gorgeous cake, but that slice surely has my name on it, moist, lite and not as many calories. Beautifully done!

    March 23, 2015
    • Thanks Loretta, angel food and chiffon cake make me think of Spring. Even though it was snowing the day I made this cake in my kitchen it was Spring. Thanks again.

      March 23, 2015
  33. Wow Suzanne! Such a beautiful and -without a doubt- delicious cake!

    March 23, 2015
  34. Theres only one word -Amazing!

    March 23, 2015
  35. A beautiful dessert. I love we are coming into fresh fruit season. 🙂

    March 23, 2015
    • Me too, thank you so much. I haven’t been to the farmers market in my neighborhood all winter, can’t wait to start going again,

      March 23, 2015
      • I can’t either though we just heard that our farmer’s market is being displaced and they don’t have a new home yet. Fingers crossed they find something.

        March 26, 2015
      • Hope they do, that would really suck!!!

        March 26, 2015
  36. This looks amazing! I love the idea of orange in the cake. Yummy!

    March 23, 2015
  37. Amazing cake Suzanne! I´m all in for it!

    March 23, 2015
  38. Wow! That is one delicious and beautiful looking cake! Congrats on the new diggs 😉 Enjoy & have fun!

    March 23, 2015
  39. Gorgeous looking cake, Suzanne! A true delicious spring anticipation! 🙂

    March 23, 2015
    • Thanks Francesca, I feel like I am having to force the issue with Spring, winter just doesn’t want to let go.

      March 24, 2015
  40. I believe that a slice of this is what I need right now. 😀

    March 24, 2015
  41. This is so beautiful! I was looking to make something very similar for my mom’s birthday next month, and this may just take the cake haha 😉

    March 24, 2015
    • Ha, it’s a wonderful cake, it always comes out perfectly. One hint, separate your eggs a few days before you will make the cake and refrigerate in a lidded container. I had some leftover egg whites in the fridge that I used for this cake and they were aged I guess you could say, they were different, more voume and the cake was lighter. Highely recommend doing that and make sure your egg whites are room temp, Thanks Justine.

      March 24, 2015
  42. You have no idea how obsessed I am with Angel Food Cake. So I was licking my lips hoping I could eat this through the screen just now lol.

    Kay of Pure & Complex

    March 24, 2015
    • I am too, I love it, a big cup of coffee and angel food cake and I’m in heaven, LOL!!! Thanks Kay.

      March 24, 2015
  43. The looks alone invites me to this delectable cake. Reading the ingredients, takes me to a whole new space. Fabulous!

    March 24, 2015
  44. This looks INCREDIBLE! I might have to try it… the fruit makes it count as healthy right?:)

    March 24, 2015
    • Well health food maybe not but the fruit is really good for you and the cake is fat free but not the whipped cream frosting. LOL, thank you so much.

      March 24, 2015
  45. Angel food cake is the perfect spring dessert! Light, fluffy and delicious. I love the addition of orange zest, yum!

    March 24, 2015
    • Thanks you so much Sarah, it is very light, and makes me think of Spring.

      March 24, 2015
  46. Oooo my goodness, this is just mind blowing one… looks so fresh, sumptuous Suzanne. .. love the berries on top- yummmy yummm

    March 24, 2015
    • Thanks so much Chitra, it’s a delicious cake and the berries make me think of Spring.

      March 24, 2015
  47. Looks almost too pretty to eat (almost…) ;D

    March 25, 2015
  48. You are the cake master Suzanne! This is just beautiful. I absolutely love the addition of the orange. I recently made an orange loaf with orange glaze and I just loved the citrus notes. Another beautiful creation.

    March 26, 2015
    • Thanks Brandi, I love citrus and it’s so wonderful in baked goods.

      March 26, 2015
  49. Oh yum, Suzanne! I am very, very late for this party, but that doesn’t mean that I am salivating any less! What a great way to celebrate our new digs!! 😀

    March 27, 2015
  50. This is amazing. You have so much talent!

    March 27, 2015
  51. That cake looks AMAZING. Vanilla and fruits…..perfect. So light and airy like an angel cake should be! Love it.

    March 27, 2015
  52. Sinfully Tempting #

    Oh my goodness…YUM! My family is going to devour this. Thanks for sharing the recipe! 🙂

    March 27, 2015
  53. I love the citrus flavor! The cake looks amazing! So yummy!

    March 28, 2015
  54. This is a master piece Suzanne! Beautiful!

    March 28, 2015
  55. Angel food cake reminds me of my family so thanks for the smile. I haven’t made one in so long so it’s about time to change that!

    March 28, 2015
  56. I think I never tried an angel food cake & yours looks magnificent, amazing & just fabulous, ….That is right! Waw!

    I love the lovely topped decoration too! I must make this soon for a special occasion! Ooh yes! xxx

    March 30, 2015
    • I love angel food cake, it’s so light and the whipped cream frosting and berries are perfect with it. Thank you Sophie your kind words of encouragement mean so much to me.

      March 30, 2015
  57. Fab cake, Suzanne!

    March 30, 2015
  58. Gorgeous!! Love all the berries!

    April 1, 2015
    • Thank you so much BreAnna, appreciate you stopping by and for the follow, so glad to have found your blog too!

      April 1, 2015
  59. My Mom always made me Angel Food cake for my birthday (while my brother got Devil’s Food) and I always felt cheated! This cake would have changed my mind! 🙂

    April 2, 2015
    • Thats funny was your Mom trying to tell you and your brother something? LOL!!! I love them both so would bappy with either. Thank you so much.

      April 2, 2015
  60. HI Suzanne– Wow, I’m impressed. I’ve never made a real from scratch angel food cake– so many egg whites… Just do box mixes which are a large step up from store bought cakes– but you are getting me revved up to give this a try! The citrus with the fruit sounds just about perfect. thanks cooking friend…

    April 9, 2015
    • Have to say Rhonda I am surprised, you are such an incredible baker I can’t imagine that you have never made one. I can however understand why since you have to have so many egg whites. I save mine in the fridge until I have enough then make a cake. I am constantly using egg yolks for curd and other recipes. Thank you so much and so glad to see you back.

      April 9, 2015
      • Well, it does look super Suzanne. Angel food is Larry’s favorite– I should give him the treat of the real thing!

        April 12, 2015
      • It’s a really good recipe, James McNair has some great cakes and his angel food and chiffon are my go to recipes. I also use his stabilized whipped cream frosting recipe and it’s the best. Hope you give it a try and thank you.

        April 13, 2015

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  1. Orange Angel Food Cake, Whipped Cream Frosting And Berries For Fiesta Friday #60 | homethoughtsfromabroad626
  2. Sumptuous Fruit Topping for Angel Food Cake

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