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What would you feed me…Suzanne? 

I was thrilled and honored that Elaine asked me to do a guest post on her incredible blog. Here is the post.


This week I bring you another wonderful guest post from another of my lovely blog pals….introducing: Suzanne from A Pug in the Kitchen. As the name suggests, Suzanne shares her home and her kitchen with her much loved pug, Nando; she is a great cook, sharing and creating wonderful recipes, her love of food stemming from her family and upbringing, and she is always extremely supportive of her fellow bloggers and their recipes. I hope you enjoy Suzanne’s recipe this week, I’ve got to say, it looks good to me..

So, Suzanne, what would you feed me?

When Elaine asked me to do a guest post for her incredible series “What would you feed me….? I immediately said yes of course I would love to, and then I got nervous. I am sure all of you know Elaine and her wonderful blog “Foodbod”, she is the Queen of sauces…

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17 Comments Post a comment
  1. Maria DeBrango Stickel #

    So yummy!

    June 3, 2015
  2. Suzanne the entire process was fascinating to me. You are so far beyond my meager skills. What a lovely meal you created. Huge hugs.

    June 3, 2015
  3. You are so knowledgeable about food, I am envious. 😉

    June 3, 2015
  4. This is something new To me Suzanne and sounds flavorsome….

    June 3, 2015
  5. Hopping off to Elaine’s! Saw this on Instagram this morning and then Facebook and it left me drooling.

    June 3, 2015
  6. Fig & Quince #

    Persian food! My favorite 😉 & oh boy khoresh ‘e bademjoon is super yummy. Cool work Suzanne! Off to visit Elaine as well now

    June 3, 2015
  7. Dev #

    Dearest Suzanne… Thank you so much for your recipe for couscous with veggies. Your recipe called for fettuccine’s as well as the other ingredients. I forgot toput the feta cheese on the shopping list so we didn’t have any in the couscous salad… But it was delicious anyway and the guest seem to love it. If you haven’t already posted this recipe you definitely should… It is an amazing one and I enjoyed it so much when you cooked for me. Thank you.

    June 3, 2015
  8. Traditionally Modern Food #

    Hoping to Elaine blog for the recipe:-) looks delish

    June 4, 2015
  9. Love this “collaboration” between the two of you!

    June 4, 2015
  10. Wow! That dish looks absolutely amazing! I’ve never used dried limes before, and now I’m intrigued.

    June 4, 2015
  11. Khoresh’e bademjan a la Suzanne! Very creative that you added the chickpeas for the protein. Of course you are right about the rice to be present, and masto’khiyar/yogurt-cucumber-mint make it into a complete meal. Brilliant! Elaine is one of the quality person I know on this blog-sphere and so are you, dear Suzanne. I have a special respect for both of you in my heart. xx

    June 5, 2015
    • You are so sweet thank you. I never knew the name of the yogurt dish now I do. I am afraid I butcher the spelling of the Persian dishes sorry about that. I know the Khoreah was not traditional but thought the chickpeas would be nice for the protein. Thank you so much Fae!

      June 6, 2015

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