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Coconut Curry Mussels

Coconut Curry Mussels

Coconut Curry Mussels

If you have never visited Susan Pridmore’s wonderful blog The Wimpy Vegetarian, you really should check it out. Susan is knowledgable, creative and her blog contains a wealth of information regarding nutrition and food in general. I met Susan years ago on Food 52. I have made some of my best virtual food friends on that site. She is an award winning cook and one of the nicest people you will ever know. I love her posts for Sunday Supper and when this recipe appeared I was smitten. I love mussels but quite frankly mine never taste as good as those I get in restaurants, that is until I tried Susan’s recipe for Coconut Curry Mussels. Oh my, they are so good, the broth is slightly spicey, very tasty and the combination is heavenly, make some crisp fries, (Moules-Frite anyone?) and a good hunk of bread and believe me you will be very happy. I was looking for recipes that are a bit lighter after indulging a bit too much during the holidays and this was exactly what I wanted.

I’ll admit it wasn’t as light as it could have been since the bread I got was out of this world fresh and delicious, a baguette from Balthazar and some hand churned butter from the CSA. Well. it’s ok its New Years Day, I have the rest of the year right. All in all this was a completely satisfying and delicious meal, the broth was just perfectly spiced, not overwhelmingly hot, just enough to make it interesting. Highly recommend you give this quick and easy recipe a try and do visit Susan, her blog is amazing.




45 Comments Post a comment
  1. Happy New Year! Delicioso!

    January 2, 2015
  2. I am glad you had this special meal at New Year’s! Since I’ve never had mussels it is interesting to me. Happy New Year hugs!

    January 2, 2015
    • Thanks so much Teagan, they have to be in a very flavorful broth and they are wonderful. Hope one day you try,

      January 3, 2015
  3. I totally agree – Susan is the most creative cook I know. I last saw her here for lunch in San Diego in the fall. She has a life spirit that I envy!

    January 2, 2015
    • How cool is that, she does have an amazing life spirit. Love Susan, thank you Liz.

      January 3, 2015
  4. I wonder how many diet resolutions went by the wayside the minute you posted Suzanne. What a terrible temptress you are.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

    January 2, 2015
    • Oh David you are too kind, temptress, well I think I would love it if I were it sounds much more exciting and exotic than my life. You are so sweet, thank you! Hugs back!!!

      January 3, 2015
  5. cahyanidwy #

    happy new year 🙂

    January 2, 2015
  6. Oh these look so good.

    January 2, 2015
  7. Liz #

    Love mussels, but always my restaurant food. Have cooked them at home, but like you say they’re never so amazing. Except for this recipe! Glad you had a stellar first meal of the New Year. Here’s to many many more 🙂

    January 2, 2015
    • Thanks Liz, this is the first time I’ve successfully made mussels. I throw a few in paella sometime but usually save them for restaurants. This recipe is delicious. Thanks so much.

      January 3, 2015
  8. You and I are thinking along rather similar lines right now Suzanne! I’m about to cook ‘Salmon and Prawns in a Spicy Coconut Broth’ for our dinner this evening… I was also aiming for something fresh, light, but still full of flavour. I love mussels too, so will definitely be trying this recipe!

    January 3, 2015
    • Oh that sounds wonderful, yes, I started a diet yesterday. Must lose some weight. Thanks Margot.

      January 3, 2015
  9. These mussels look like the gourmet restaurant dishes I see! I bet the coconut addition makes them nice and creamy 😀
    Happy New Year mon amie!

    Choc Chip Uru

    January 3, 2015
  10. Wow, looks amazingly delicious, Suzanne! Happy New Year to you! 😀 Wishing you many wonderful recipes and blog posts in 2015!

    January 3, 2015
  11. Yummm, what a treat this must have been to sit down to Suzanne! Love mussels, and what better way than simmering in that coconut broth?

    January 3, 2015
    • Thanks Loretta, they were wonderful, I think next time I will add some lemon grass experiment a little with flavors. It was such a tasty broth.

      January 3, 2015
  12. These look so good Suzanne! I’m not a fan of mussels, but my husband loves them. It’ usually a wine or beer sauce. Would have never thought of curry. I need to try these out for a surprise 🙂

    January 3, 2015
    • It’s great in a curry broth, and the coconut is such a great addition. Thanks Melissa.

      January 3, 2015
  13. Hi Suzanne, sounds too incredible!!! How’s Nando (did you get to Vet-Upstate?). Cheryl

    January 3, 2015
    • Thank you, I was just getting ready to email you. Nando is ok, not cancer so relieved for that. He is frail and Doc said his quality of life is not the best but he hangs on. My Vet is integrative and uses both Eastern and Western Medicine. We are giving Nando a series of Ozone injections to beef up his immune system, help with neuropathy, fight infection and just generally make him feel better. I have to take him upstate once a week for the injection. Fingers crossed it will work. Thank you so much for asking. It was tough being there without Izzy, it was something we all did together, she loved the grass so at the vets office. Missed her terribly.

      January 3, 2015
      • Nando is a fighter, hopeful the injections help him! Focus on that Suzanne. It’ll take time for sweet Izzy’s memories to fade to just fun, loving thoughts. keep me posted! Cheryl

        January 3, 2015
      • Yes, I have been there before unfortunately. I still grieve over the loss of my Keoki, Lei Ling, Cody, Punkel and Zoe, all angels in heaven. I know it’s just still so raw it’s hard. Thank you for the kind words of encouragement.

        January 3, 2015
      • You bet Suzanne, I am always available to chat even via email (now that my Company has returned home, I’ll be checking that more often!). Monday, the children return to school from the long break-I think they’re ready!

        January 3, 2015
  14. Thanks so much, Suzanne, for your kind comments!! I feel the same way about you!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed the dish so much. You’ve started my year in a wonderful way with your post. We have 5 of our grandkids visiting along with my stepson and his lovely wife, and just seeing this. A very Happy New Year to you my friend. I hope very much we get to meet in person one day!!

    January 3, 2015
    • Thank you Susan, what a delicious recipe it is. You really are incredibly talented. Ho wonderful that the grand kids are visiting. Must be so much fun!! I really hope one day we will meet in person. I can think of nothing I would love more. Happy New Year.

      January 3, 2015
  15. These look/sound amazing Suzanne! I love frites with my mussels too. I will check out Susan’s site. Happy New Year!

    January 3, 2015
    • Thanks Stacey, you will like Susan’s site, she has some wonderful recipes.

      January 3, 2015
  16. How unusual this sounds – and how delicious! As you’ve probably noticed, anything to do with coconut gets my vote! I’ll definitely be making this as soon as I can get my hands on some mussels…

    January 3, 2015
    • Yes I believe I have noticed that regarding your love for coconut. This is such a lovely broth, nicely spicy and you can taste the coconut in the broth, Just delicious. Thank you!!

      January 3, 2015
  17. This sounds delicious in its own right but also like an excellent antidote to a surfeit of Christmas food. I hope 2015 is good to you. 😉

    January 3, 2015
    • It was such a nice light meal. Thank you, yes it was nice after all the heavy food I’ve been eating through the holidays.

      January 3, 2015
  18. We love mussels especially with some good crusty bread and butter.

    January 3, 2015
    • Thanks Julie, they are wonderful and crusty bread and butter is a must.

      January 4, 2015
  19. Looks like an absolutely fantastic meal!

    January 4, 2015
  20. Very nice, Suzanne, and thank you for introducing Susan and her yummy recipe. I never made mussels, because I did not know how to flavor it well. Now I know.

    January 4, 2015
    • This is wonderful, it was the first time in this type of broth. I usually have with garlic (a lot of it) white wine, some parsley and onion. Thats good too but this is really such a wonderful change from the regular. I love this recipe and this it would be lovely with some lemongrass in the broth as well. Thanks so much Fae.

      January 5, 2015
  21. petra08 #

    The mussels looks perfect! And that baguette and butter sound like heaven to go with it. 🙂

    January 13, 2015
    • Yes bread and butter with the mussels is the best, thank you so much.

      January 13, 2015

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