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The Tomato Cobbler That Wasn’t….. It Became Soup

Tomato and farmers cheese soup

Tomato and farmers cheese soup

I recently saw a post on Food52 and it had a photo of a recipe from Huckleberry the new (brilliant) cookblook by Zoe Nathan, I ordered a book, my copy hasn’t arrived but I had some tomatoes I needed to use so I thought I will make the tomato and goat cheese cobbler that was pictured,(how hard could that be). It looked incredible. Long story short, mine didn’t work. I had some gorgeous cherry and small very ripe tomatoes that I cut in half and quartered, added minced garlic and shallot and put in a oval baking dish along with some farmers cheese instead of goats cheese (because thats what I had), off to a good start right? I made the top for the cobbler using my recipe that I use from my spiced plum cobbler. Put the dough on top of the tomatoes in rounds, put in a 375 degree oven and guess what, the tomatoes were so juicy they literally boiled the cobbler top. The tomatoes and cheese smelled great but I could see this was not going to have a happy ending. I removed from the oven, scooped off the cobbler top and unhappily threw it away but I saved the tomatoes, they were literally swimming in juice and tasted great. I did not want to waste the tomatoes so I put them in my blender and made soup. Fresh tomato and farmers cheese soup. It’s velvety, creamy, mildly cheesy has just a hint of garlic and onion and loads of fresh tomato taste, It really was a happy surprise. A little voice kept telling me that the tomatoes would get soupy but I didn’t listen, so it’s back to the drawing board on the cobbler. I’ll wait for my cookbook to arrive. But this soup is really good!! I was planning on taking this to Fiesta Friday #34 but I’ll have to make something else.

Tomato and farmers cheese

Tomato and farmers cheese

Tomato and farmers cheese Soup

Serves 4

3 cups ripe tomatoes (cherry tomatoes halved larger tomatoes quartered)

1 shallot minced

1 clove garlic minced

1 pinch red pepper flakes

1 tsp organic brown sugar (optional)

6 oz farmers cheese

salt and pepper to taste

Pre heat oven to 375 degrees. Place tomatoes, garlic, shallot, farmers cheese, red pepper flakes and optional brown sugar in the oven for 30 minutes. The tomatoes will become very juicy and soft. Remove from oven and let cool about 15 minutes. Pour all of it into the blender or food processor or use and immersion blender and process until smooth. Pour through sieve to remove any tomato skins and ensure a velvety smooth soup. Heat and serve.



114 Comments Post a comment
  1. shashi @ #

    What an awesome recipe rescue! Your soup looks so velvety and creamy Suzanne!

    September 19, 2014
    • It was really good, so full of fresh tomato taste. Thanks Shashi.

      September 19, 2014
  2. Hi Suzanne, sorry your cobbler did not turn out. But you did create this wonderful soup. Sometimes those are the best tasting meals. Looks great!

    September 19, 2014
  3. I’ve never heard of tomato cobbler… I was very intrigued. However, i’d much rather have that beautiful creamy tomato soup! I think that qualifies as a “happy accident.” (Suzanne… this might be a good one to use as a guest spot on Sally’s blog. Just throwing that thought out there. But i know you already have your hands full.) Huge hugs. OMG i want tomato soup now… 😀

    September 19, 2014
    • Its funny my Mom used to serve tomato soup, Campbell’s soup with a scoop of cottage cheese on top. It was wonderful this reminds me of that soup. Thanks Teagan, I’ll have to look at Sally’s blog. Hmmmmm…… hugs to you and the kitties.

      September 19, 2014
      • Mine too (though i’ve never heard of it with cottage cheese — a new twist for me to try). Even now, on a brisk, low-energy evening Campbells tomato and a cheese sandwich is still comfort food. Hugs back from the kitties and me to you and your crew!

        September 19, 2014
  4. Suzanne it looks like it would have been delicious, but I have been there too and then just made things into soup, your soup looks creamy!! I did make a Tomato Cobbler last year 🙂 here is my post if you want to take a look and try this one 🙂

    September 19, 2014
    • Oh wow thanks Amy. I will look at your post. I need to get more tomatoes but I am hell bent on making it work. Thanks so much.

      September 19, 2014
  5. I love happy surprises! The soup looks perfect for Fiesta Friday, no need to make anything else (unless it is a grilled cheese to go with). Tomato soup is always a good idea, nice save.

    September 19, 2014
    • Oh Stacey, I love the idea of grilled cheese with the soup. YUM, Maybe I’ll submit this if it’s not too late. I felt a bit discouraged after it didn’t work out.

      September 19, 2014
  6. I saw that cookbook too – looks good. Say, very creative culinary technique here 😉

    September 19, 2014
    • LOL. Liz, you are too kind. No culinary technique, just a cobbler gone wrong and a lucky save. Thanks so much.

      September 19, 2014
  7. Nice save! It actually looks rich and delicious, but not too decadent. I kind of love this accidental soup. You’ll have to let me know how the book is!

    September 19, 2014
    • I can’t wait to get the book, it is one of those everything looks luscious and why didn’t I ever think of that kind of books. Thanks, the soup turned out really nice, I was surprised.

      September 19, 2014
  8. Sorry about your cobbler catastrophe but it was probably quite fortuitous because the soup looks absolutely divine! Nice improvisation…

    September 19, 2014
    • The soups really good, it’s definitely a healthier option than cobbler. Thanks so much.

      September 19, 2014
  9. Sorry your cobbler didn’t work out but you saved it!! Your soup looks delicious, love tomato soup, add some basil and a grilled cheese, time to eat!! 🙂 Have a great weekend!

    September 19, 2014
  10. Yum! It is always great when a mess-up turns into something else delicious! It really doesn’t seem as much like a mistake then 🙂

    September 19, 2014
  11. What a perfect way to make tomato soup Suzanne. I love roasted tomatoes and I bet it had such wonderful flavor with the farmer’s cheese. Now I am intrigued about a tomato cobbler too. I think I’ll make this soup this weekend. I have a ton of both cherry and plum tomatoes.

    September 19, 2014
    • I must say I love the soup and cheese incorporated is really nice Thanks so much.

      September 19, 2014
  12. I love this soup, and love the story behind it even more. Some of my favorite recipes stem from something not going as planned! And this looks delicious.

    September 19, 2014
    • Thanks Susan, I was happy I was able to salvage the tomatoes at least it killed me to throw out the cobbler part but it was literally boiled like a dumpling, hmmmm tomato dumpling soup. Maybe not!!

      September 19, 2014
  13. Brilliant fix for the “guess it’s not a cobbler”! Quick thinking on your part, Suzanne. I too grew up on Campbell’s … But quite frankly, there’s nothing like a the homemade version. Yours looks delicious!

    September 19, 2014
    • Thanks Nancy, I love tomato soup, still like campbell’s have to admit but this one I really like a lot.

      September 19, 2014
  14. Suzanne,
    Darling I am chuckling. Sorry ;). That soup looks lush and I will have to try your method. My family is big on tomato soup and chicken middle soup for kids.
    Now on chuckling part : it’s not you but those darn tomatoes…how deceitful they are :). But the good part is that you got a hearty soup there and at the time when autumn is settling in :).
    Have a great weekend girl friend :).

    September 19, 2014
    • Ha, I was almost crying when I saw the cobbler boiling in the tomato juice instead of a nice caramelized tomato with golden brown biscuits it was blobs of pale dough, ugh!!!Thank you so much I am cheered by the sweet comments.

      September 19, 2014
  15. Great cooks can turn a failed recipe into a success! YOU are a great cook!!!

    September 19, 2014
  16. Good for you saving the tomatoes!! Looks like a tasty soup!

    September 19, 2014
    • Thanks Jacqui yes I was so glad I was able to salvage the tomatoes, there were a lot of them.

      September 19, 2014
  17. Awesome cooks always have a back up plan! We’ve all experienced failures before (my girlfriend is only too happy to tell EVERYONE about mine), but to come back with an awesome tomato soup like this… amazing work! 🙂

    September 19, 2014
  18. Wow what a comforting soup Suzanne. .. love the roasted tomatoe flavour in soups, my family loves tomato soup and if it roasted just goes off within minutes…slurp.. feel sorry about the cobbler…. 😦

    September 19, 2014
    • Thanks Chitra, I too love tomato soup, it reminds me of home somehow, very comforting. Thank you.

      September 19, 2014
  19. You’re making me crave tom soup! I’m just about recovering from one of the worst colds I’ve ever had, and now I can’t get enough to eat. Really shouldn’t be looking at food blogs before bed! Anyway, wouldn’t have thought to use cottage cheese, as it’s called here, with a tom soup. Now I really like the idea. If I can find one that’s vegetarian suitable. Something nice and comforting over the weekend is in order. 🙂

    September 19, 2014
    • Oh no, sorry you are sick. Soup is what you need my friend. A nice comforting bowl of soup I was going to use ricotta or goat cheese but had some farmers cheese in the fridge and thought I would give it a go, reminds me of my childhood when my Mom put a spoon of cottage cheese in my tomato soup, Delicious, Take care of yourself, getting a cold when the seasons change is the worst,

      September 19, 2014
  20. I do not like that feeling when a recipe isn’t going to make it, but I love that feeling when you realize it can be transformed into something utterly delicious! Great save!

    September 19, 2014
    • I hate it when I flub a recipe, it makes me upset but you are so right, it feels good when you can manage to salvage your mistake. Thanks so much,

      September 19, 2014
  21. Yay, I love happy endings! Will have to check out that book, I love cobblers…and the tomato idea was/is a good idea. As you say back to the drawing board 🙂

    September 19, 2014
    • Yes, the tomatoes should have been smashed and drained, I looked at another recipe by Chef Amy (she commented further up) and she made a tomato cobbler that turned out beautifully, she drained her tomatoes of juice adding a little back. The one in the photo on Food52 looks so beautiful, mine was literally swimming in juice, I think I’ll stick with other types of fruit, Thanks Linda.

      September 19, 2014
  22. there is nothing called as a failed cobbler 😉 with talented cooks like you around 😀 the soup looks so smooth and velvety ❤

    September 19, 2014
    • Andy you are too sweet, thank you so much for the kind words.

      September 19, 2014
      • 🙂

        September 19, 2014
  23. Sorry it didn’t work out, but boy did you make something wonderful out of it! Sounds delicious Suzanne!

    September 19, 2014
    • Thanks so much Lori, it was a really nice soup.

      September 19, 2014
      • Sure looked like it!

        September 19, 2014
  24. This soup sounds wonderful–I’m such a big fan of tomato soup! 🙂

    September 19, 2014
  25. Suzanne… this is amazing! I’ll make this weekend, my parents in law are visiting us from Italy, I’m sure they would love it! Thanks a lot for sharing… without you I would have missed it!

    September 19, 2014
    • Thank you, It is a lovely soup, you could use cheese or omit, I think it would be equally good without the cheese, I was thinking mascarpone added when blending would be really nice. The farmers cheese has some texture even when blended the mascarpone would be very smooth.

      September 20, 2014
  26. Whatever your cobbler situation, you ended up with a delicious creamy soup, Suzanne 🙂

    September 20, 2014
  27. juicy… yummy!!want a bowl NOW!


    September 20, 2014
  28. A case of all’s well that ends well – as you ended up with a delicious soup. Still the cobbler would have been nice too. 😉

    September 20, 2014
    • Yes it did have a happy ending but was nearly tragic. Would have loved the cobbler but it just didn’t happen.Thank you so much.

      September 20, 2014
  29. Way to save the recipe and day Suzanne! Sometimes my best recipes are total accidents. At least you were able to turn it into something but yes, I hate wasting food too. Yesterday was not a good day for recipe testing. Well I guess all testing is good, because it makes us better and learn, but I wasted soooo many ingredients. I tested a new pancake recipe and cookie recipe and they were both disasters. All in the trash. So disappointing 😢

    September 20, 2014
    • Oh no, some days nothing works, I am sorry you also had some kitchen disasters, I imagine you never having any thing not turn out, everything looks perfect all the time but I forget that we all have our moments when it just doesn’t work. Thanks so much Brandi.

      September 20, 2014
  30. This is what I call creativity! Great save and soup Suzanne! Ejoy the weekend andI hope you get the book soon!

    September 20, 2014
    • Thanks Viviana, I hated the thought of wasting the tomatoes, with summer over and the fresh tomato crop waning I don’t want to lose any.

      September 20, 2014
  31. hahah! so creative! such a great recipe!
    I really enjoyed this post–both the writing and the photos!

    September 20, 2014
    • Thank you so much, I was so happy that food did not go to waste.

      September 23, 2014
  32. What an amazing save 🙂 I need to try this for sure, yummy!

    September 21, 2014
  33. Your soup does sound wonderful. I put up tomato juice for chili or whatever last week. After the peeling, cooking and bagging, I decided next year I will just buy it! 🙂

    September 21, 2014
  34. OK, so I guess we know by now that mishaps can turn out for the good! (I’ve had a long list of mishaps myself–many unsalvageable)– But this resulting soup looks awesome Suzanne!! cheesy tomato-y. Oh gosh.

    September 21, 2014
    • Thanks Rhonda, yes managed to salvage this one but like you I’ve had my share of mistakes in the kitchen that wound up in the garbage. Pains me think of that

      September 22, 2014
  35. I suppose soup isn’t the worst way to go about it 😉
    Absolutely not if it looks so good!

    Choc Chip Uru

    September 21, 2014
  36. WOW – never mind the cobbler – the soup looks and sounds AMAZING. I love a little ingenuity in the kitchen! 😉

    September 21, 2014
    • Thank you, it was a happy mistake because I really do love the soup.

      September 22, 2014
  37. Fabulous that you were able to transform the cobbler into a gorgeous tomato soup Suzanne! Great thinking!

    September 21, 2014
    • Thanks so much Margot, yes the cobbler would have been really good had it worked but the soup was delicious and less fattening, LOL!

      September 22, 2014
  38. Who needs cobbler when you have that soup?? Fantastic save, Suzanne!!

    September 21, 2014
  39. Liz #

    Now THIS is what I’m talking about! Life gives you a mucked-up tomato cobbler and you give back a deliriously delicious tomato soup. Your accomplishment is what separates the good from the truly great 🙂 Love what you did here and thinking your tomato soup has to be the best ever with that cheese. Mmmmmmm….

    September 22, 2014
    • The cheese was good in the soup, you know how grilled cheese and tomato soup tastes so good, this was sort of like that. Thanks Liz.

      September 22, 2014
  40. This sounds SO much better than any old cobbler!! I don’t know why I’ve never thought of cheese in a tomato soup before, given that one of our favorite comfort food pairings is a grilled cheese and tomato soup!

    I can’t wait to try this!

    September 22, 2014
    • I am going to do it again but with a different cheese, Farmers cheese is good but is a little grainy and I think a smooth cheese would be delicious. Thank you.

      September 22, 2014
  41. Oh Suzanne, something similar has happened to me as well but you dealt with it beautifully and I can just imagine how delicious the soup was! 🙂

    September 22, 2014
    • Thanks Laila, it was a descent save this one, not all are like that. Thank you so much. I do love soup.

      September 22, 2014
  42. Now thats what I call innovation! Well done.

    September 22, 2014
  43. Traditionally Modern Food #

    Love tomato soup:-) looks yum Suzanne

    September 22, 2014
  44. Fig & Quince #

    Ah, leave it to you to turn a potential culinary disaster into a tempting and appetizing dish! Brava!

    September 22, 2014
  45. Well, you managed to save the recipe in the most creative and delicious way Suzanne! I think the soup looks terrific!

    September 23, 2014
  46. Regardless of how you got to it… the soup sounds wonderful!! Most amazing recipes are usually a “mistake” that had to be saved anyhow. I don’t usually like tomato soup, but this sounds like one I’d love to try. –the cheese is probably what convinced me 🙂

    September 23, 2014
    • Roasting the tomatoes and the cheese made this soup really good I think. Better than I expected. Yes cheese and tomatoes is wonderful whether in a sandwich or soup or a salad. Thanks so much,

      September 23, 2014
  47. I’m glad the mishap turned out so well! The soup looks lovely and I can’t wait to see a savoury cobbler sometime in the future 😉
    I did a similar thing with apples – I was all set to make chunky stewed cinnamon apples but they fell apart before I blinked so the had to cook them right down and made an apple butter instead … not what I planned but a happy ending!

    September 24, 2014
    • Apple butter is great and I bet it was really delicious. Love happy endings, thank you so much.

      September 24, 2014
  48. A perfect accident 🙂 I hate to waste food too. I made some almond shortbread that spread all over the baking tin the other day. Just sliced it up and at it with Nutella and raspberries. Totally unpresentable though. Your happy accident looks delish!

    September 24, 2014
    • Thank you so much Nicky. Love your save on the shortbread, I so hate throwing things away and figure for most there is a way to enjoy. Love the shortbread and nutella and berries, Many times the most unglamorous dish tastes the best.

      September 24, 2014
  49. Wow.. The soup looks so creamy and velvety.l . A rescue recipe and such a genius work…:)

    September 25, 2014
  50. I’m a HUGE soup fan, so I’m totally fine with how things turned out with this recipe! Thick and creamy soups are my absolute favorite, and this one looks perfect xx

    September 25, 2014
    • Thanks so much, in Fall and Winter thats pretty much what I live on.

      September 25, 2014
  51. I am a total soup person.. and tomato soup is one of my favourites.. just yesterday i was looking for a tomato soup recipe.. This soup looks amazingly delicious.. i am definitely making this.. 🙂

    September 26, 2014
    • Thank you, it’s so easy, nothing to watch on the stove. A quick 30 minutes in the oven and thats it. If you like cheese add whatever kind you like. It’s a really nice soup.

      September 26, 2014
  52. Argh, I hate it when recipes don’t work out!!! So glad that you managed to salvage the gorgeous tomatoes in this delicious-looking soup! I think the mark of a good cook is the ability to rescue a dish that’s almost a disaster. You’ve completely redeemed this one, I’d love to have a bowl of it myself! xxx

    September 26, 2014
    • Thanks Laura, was happy to save the tomatoes and so glad the soup tasted good.

      September 26, 2014
  53. I love soups! Creamy tomato soups are one of my favs! Love your recipe, Suzanne! ❤

    September 26, 2014
  54. WOW! The soup looks and sounds delicious!

    September 28, 2014
  55. Sometimes, that happens to all of us! Buy you saved the important things & made a delicious special soup out of it! 😉 Yummm!

    October 3, 2014
    • Thanks so much, yes saving the tomatoes was important and the soup turned out great.

      October 3, 2014

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