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Biscuits, Finger Update And A Different Look



I  haven’t really cooked anything for a while now, my finger injury has sort of taken my life and turned it upside down. I was hoping that by now, a month since the injury I would be well on my way to normalcy but unfortunately thats not the case. I decided to try making biscuts this morning with one and a half hands, wouldn’t recommend it. The biscuits came out ok, it’s a good recipe but it was hard. Biscuits have long been my nemesis and still to this day I haven’t found what I consider the perfect biscuit.  Growing up my Mom made everything from scratch, at least almost everything, biscuits came from a can in the refrigerator section of the supermarket and I really liked them. Maybe thats why I have unattainable expectations from my homemade biscuits. I like them more like bread than a quick bread texture. These biscuits are a recipe from Julia Child, it’s very good, not perfect but very good.

My favorite biscuit recipe is from Food52, Cheese Biscuits. They are wonderful but I couldn’t grate cheese otherwise I would have made these. Totally Yummy!! If you do make them, reduce the salt, just a hint!!

Baking Powder Biscuits

Makes 1 dozen

Pre heat oven to 425 degrees

1 1/2 cup all purpose flour

1/2 cup cake flour

1 2/3 tbs baking powder

3/4 tsp salt

1 tbs sugar

3/4 cup vegetable shortening (I like spectrum organic) Note: You can also use butter or a mixtire of butter and shortening – I use both

1 cup whole milk

Measure dry ingredients into large mixing bowl, whisk together. Cut in the shortening/butter until the mixture resembles crumbs. Gently fold in the milk just to wet. DON”T KNEAD OR OVERMIX. Turn out onto work surface and gently pat into a 1/2 inch thick circle. Use biscuit cutter or glass and place on ungreased baking sheet or baking pan. Brush the tops with cream or melted butter and bake 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.

Now for my finger, well it has not healing well, I went to the doctor the other day and I need to start physical therapy going several times a week for 8 weeks, we are hoping that will help the joint to re align, it’s still out of whack. I am keeping it splinted in place, the cartilage and ligaments were badly damaged and cannot hold my finger in place. It’s painful and for me very discouraging. I need my finger back, it’s 100% unusable at this point. Here is a photo of the most recent x-ray.

My poor finger

My poor finger

I am also changing the theme for my blog, what do you think of the new look?

123 Comments Post a comment
  1. Your poor finger- oh my! I also find biscuits deliciously unattainable, some turn out well, but never exactly what I’m looking for- I can only imagine how difficult it is with 1-1/2 hands!

    Love the new look! Hope you heal quickly!

    January 26, 2014
    • Thank you, I can’t make what I consider a really good biscuit to save my life. My daughter always comments on how they are really lethal weapons. The one exception is that cheese biscuit recipe, those are really good.

      January 26, 2014
  2. Oh my goodness.. you poor thing!! What does the doctor say? You’d think in this date and time, they’d have some sort of procedure that could make your finger whole again! I’m thinking of you, and hope that it heals quickly so that you can get back to normal. You poor darlin’..

    As for the biscuits, you must have been reading my mind this morning! I was sitting in church, and my stomach was growling so loudly, all I could think about were biscuits fresh out of the oven!! Melting butter, and fresh jam… yum.

    This is a lovely recipe. I think it’s meant to be…I need to get up off my rump and go make them. ❤

    January 26, 2014
    • Thanks Prudy, well I am not exactly on the same page with the doc, may get a second opinion. She said I will most likely need surgery. I believe that I will be able to heal without it, maybe I am a cockeyed optimist. Thanks for the good wishes. I really wanted a great biscuit this morning, like you said melting butter, jam, yum!!

      January 26, 2014
      • Good to know you’re thinking about a second opinion… It just seems like such a long time, I can only imagine what you’re going through..

        January 26, 2014
  3. Antisocial Patty #

    I seriously love the new look. It’s sleek and sophisticated. As for your finger, I’m so very sorry. I’ve got my own ‘why haven’t I healed yet’ situation going on, but it’s not nearly as debilitating as yours. Hugs, lady!

    January 26, 2014
    • Thanks, thats exactly what I was hoping for. I do hope your healing situation improves also! Hugs to you too!

      January 26, 2014
  4. Loving the new look AND now I have a biscuit craving.

    Oh la la…your poor finger 😦

    Gotta run.. I have some baking to do ! xx

    January 26, 2014
  5. I like the new look and don’t like the finger forecast; wish you had better news on that front. So sorry.

    January 26, 2014
    • Thanks Stacey, I am not a fan of the finger forecast either.

      January 26, 2014
      • Forecasts are known to change frequently and without warning! Keep up the good spirits and let the pugs lick your wound.

        January 26, 2014
      • :o)

        January 26, 2014
  6. I noticed the blog appearance right away, looks good! I think it needs a pug (or 2) though! 😉

    These biscuits look great, I don’t make them nearly enough but am always craving them (probably more than I should).

    Those xrays made me cringe, hope your finger gets back to itself soon!

    January 26, 2014
    • I know It does need a pug or two, have to figure out where to place things with this new theme. Thanks Pamela! Hope you are doing well!!

      January 26, 2014
  7. I really like the new look too – it’s clean, modern and sleek without being cold, but I was waiting for a pug photo to load at the top. In England we call cookies biscuits and biscuits scones, so I was expecting a cookie recipe. These look good though – like you I love cheese ones. I’m so sorry that your finger is so unusable. As I told you, I’ve been there, I know how frustrating and painful it can be. I too was once told I would need surgery on a finger, but I refused and I’ve now regained 98% use. It’s frustrating and painful and it will take time but one way or another you’ll get there in the end…

    January 26, 2014
    • I am trying to make a pug logo that I will incorporate into the theme, like my finger it will take a little time but will get there. Thanks so much, yes biscuits are really cookies in UK and other parts of Europe so it is a bit misleading. Pudding also has a different meaning I understand. Trying to be patient but you gave me some hope for the finger, thank you.

      January 26, 2014
  8. Nice to see you back ! OMG your finger, it’s in a bad mood… Hope you’ll will fast recover its use !

    January 26, 2014
    • Thank you, yes thats exactly how my finger feels, in a very bad mood. I love that, gave me a good laugh.

      January 26, 2014
      • Yeah… You know what I meant with my broken english 😉

        January 26, 2014
      • I thought it was wonderful and exactly how my finger feels. Your english is perfect!! Thank you, your comment made me smile.

        January 26, 2014
      • Honestly, I am so envious of your ability to speak English and French. You are amazing. I could not do the same, I applaud you.

        January 26, 2014
  9. Love the new look over here – very clean, simple and easy to navigate! I also struggle with homemade biscuits, even with two good hands. The biscuits the baking class at my culinary school made were AMAZING, but it’s impossible to take that large-scale recipe and really adapt it for home use and have them come out the same. Something about making just a dozen or less biscuits is really hard!

    January 26, 2014
  10. Liz #

    Nothing like a perfect buttermilk biscuit, but have found that the chasm between “really good” and “absolutely perfect” is a tough one to traverse! Looks like you done it 😉 So sorry about your finger taking it’s own sweet time to heal. D’oh!

    January 26, 2014
    • Thanks Liz, honestly, biscuits are still a work in progress for me. I wonder if there is a biscuit recipe similar to a yeasted waffle recipe. I like how light bread is because of the yeast and want that for my biscuits also. Will have to research. The finger is the bane of my existence.

      January 26, 2014
  11. Ouch, your poor finger it looks so out of place in the x-ray. I do hope that it starts to heal soon as a month is a long time to deal with trying to do things without the full use of one of your hands.

    The biscuit recipe sounds like what we would call scones here except that most scone recipes include a beaten egg as well as milk. So maybe the terms aren’t interchangeable.

    I love your new look on the blog.

    Take care. 😉

    January 26, 2014
    • It is still very much out of place and I really am beginning to wonder if it will heal. We’ll see I guess. I was wondering if they would be considered scones but you are right scones have egg in them. I am somewhat scone challenged also. Thank you!

      January 26, 2014
  12. Hope your recovery is a speedy one!

    January 26, 2014
  13. You are very brave trying to cook with one hand and a half! Are you allowed to do so? Some conditions need you don´t use your hand for some specific things for a while, is that your case? Hope you heal soon!Those biscuits look awesome and they must taste so good. I also love the cheese version! The blog looks great!

    January 26, 2014
    • Well I really didn’t put a lot of pressure on my finger. I was supposed to be resting my hand/finger but it’s impossible for me, I live alone and have to take care of everything for the pugs. The biscuits were good, hadn’t made anything like that for a while. Won’t do it again though until the finger is better. Thanks Viviana!

      January 26, 2014
  14. Your blog looks so sophisticated my friend, great update 😀
    On the other hand, I hope your fingers get better soon, it looks so painful!
    I hope you eat tons of the powder biscuits, so delicious!


    January 26, 2014
    • Thanks so much Uru, I was going for something more sophisticated than the other theme.

      January 26, 2014
  15. The finger sounds very painful! I hope it mends quickly so you can get back into the kitchen. I think that everyone has at lest one nemesis in the kitchen, I find it keeps us human 🙂 Mine has to be anything to do with baking… although I’m slowly getting there with the whole bread thing 🙂

    January 26, 2014
    • It is very painful, bread used to be mine to (along with biscuits) doing much better with bread but I don’t think I’ll ever get the hang of biscuits at least not like I think they should be. Thanks so much!

      January 26, 2014
  16. I hope that your finger heals quickly!
    Your new blog looks wonderful!!!

    January 26, 2014
  17. Fig & Quince #

    Sending positive healing vibes to your poor (but very soon to be back in great shape) finger! Also: the biscuits look good. Also: your blog looks really good. It’s modern but also inviting and open. Love the new look!

    January 26, 2014
  18. Ouch! Feel better soon. I love the new look of the blog, it’s got nice clean lines & easy to read.

    January 26, 2014
  19. So sorry to hear that the finger diagnosis is still little better than a month ago – it really was such a serious injury and hate to think of what pain you’ve been going through. Perhaps the 2nd opinion would be really worth it!
    I’ve had exactly the same frustrations with making ‘scones/biscuits’ over the years Suzanne – only feel like I’ve cracked the solution in the past 12 months… My scones used to come out as hard as rocks and practically inedible! You’re spot on in advising not to knead or over mix… I also use a bread and butter knife to work in the milk (seems to be quicker and gentler on the dough).
    The new look is really fresh and clean, though I’m a little sad to not see a pug in sight until you scroll down on the side bar…
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 🙂

    January 26, 2014
    • I am seeing the PT on Thursday and hopefully a second diagnosis soon. It’s so painful and frustrating.
      You and I both with the scones and biscuits, don’t really know what I am doing wrong. I practically hold my breath so that my breath won’t overwork the dough and they still come out like paper weights or hockey pucks. I’ve had a little better luck with scones, biscuits though are my nemesis. I wondered if my expectations are too high, well suffice it to say I rarely make biscuits.
      I am still working on the site, have some fine tuning, I am not really terribly tech savvy and it takes me a lot of time to do anything computer related, at least thats not the normal everyday stuff. I am have asked a lovely artist friend to do a pug drawing for me that I plan to try and put on here, if I can figure it out. Thank you so much!

      January 26, 2014
      • The pug drawing sounds perfect Suzanne – unique to your special blog. Can’t wait to see it!

        January 26, 2014
      • I can’t wait to see it, it’s in the conceptual stages right now.

        January 26, 2014
  20. Sorry to hear about your finger. A month is a long time. Really wish you well with that.
    The only thing similar to your biscuits that I’ve baked would be scones. And I found them easy but incredibly temperamental. Especially with cutting out. If their tops are touched at all before baking they won’t rise! That simple. Caught the knack of it fairly easily.
    Blog looks great! Isn’t it rewarding trying something new every so often?

    January 26, 2014
    • Yes you are so right, temperamental both scones and biscuits. I love the scones you had on your blog, they looked so perfect and tender, just the way I wish mine would be. It seems no matter what recipe I use I just must not have the right touch.
      I am so enjoying getting the new theme together, still a work in progress but I really enjoy. Everything seems fresh and new. Thanks Johnny!

      January 26, 2014
  21. shashi @ #

    Love the new streamlined look, Suzanne, but so do not love the fact your finger is still hurting a month later! Iam so sorry – have you been to another doc by any chance?

    Awesome simple recipe – I dont remember making biscuits from scratch ever cos I always thought they took a lot of kneading – but yours proves otherwise.
    Hope you are pain free soon.

    January 26, 2014
    • Thanks Shasahi, biscuits are exactly the opposite of bread in prep, no kneading at all and minimal handling of the dough so the gluten does not develop and they are tender. I found the key is to add enough liquid, even to the point that they are pretty wet, you can pat more flour on to press a circle. I am trying to set up an appt for a second opinion, hoping this week.

      January 27, 2014
  22. Suzanne, I am so sorry to hear about your finger. I just hope it will get better soon. Very soon.
    I love the new look of your blog. Change is good and refreshing.
    I hear you about cooking/baking from scratch. Lovely biscuits.

    January 26, 2014
    • Thanks Fae, honestly there are certain foods that I grew up with that I like the commercially prepared version better. Biscuits are one and the other believe it or not is pound cake.I like Sara Lee pound cake better than any that I have made myself. Weird right?

      January 27, 2014
  23. Oh Suzanne! this has been too long with your finger. Why did it make me so sad when you said you couldn’t even grate cheese? Hoping and praying it heals — without surgery!!

    I Like biscuits– don’t make them as often as I wish I could– all that butter and then I slather on some more with jam! But yours looked great! I may have to break down and make a batch this week…

    And I do really love the new blog look!! more clean and modern. I just changed my blog to all white (no border color) a week ago– think it makes the food stand out more. Anyway, glad you’re still at it blogging– in spite of the finer. God Bless…

    January 26, 2014
    • Thanks Rhonda, I don’t eat biscuits often at all, I like them but don’t make them because I am challenged in my ability to make a good biscuit.
      I want to do away with this grey border, I have to ask the people at wordpress if I can customize that. Like yours, which looks really great btw, I want it all white so the food stands out. Thanks so much.

      January 27, 2014
  24. sprinklesandsauce #

    The biscuits turned out great in my opinion! so sorry to hear that your finger is taking longer time to recover…hang in there…appreciate your posts! 🙂

    January 26, 2014
    • Thank you so much, the biscuits were good it’s just my expectations that get in the way. I will hang in and hope that at some point the finger heals.

      January 27, 2014
  25. Awww, so sorry to hear your finger is taking so long to heal, Suzanne 😦 My husband had a horrific finger injury last year (crushed it with a nail gun) so he would be able to relate to not being able to use his finger for months and months! I hope the therapy helps speed up the process. Your biscuits look great, especially given that you could only use 1 1/2 hands! 🙂

    January 27, 2014
    • Thanks Christina, did your husband eventually get the use of his finger back, is he ok now?

      January 27, 2014
      • They had to cut a bit of the tip off, but he’s very lucky it wasn’t a lot more. It’s also his left hand and he’s right-handed, so that was lucky, too!

        January 28, 2014
      • Ouch, very lucky it wasn’t worse and also that it wasn’t the right hand.

        January 28, 2014
  26. Love the new theme – there is a distinct lack of pugs though haha. I hope your finger heals speedily (the x-ray makes me think that you did a pretty good job of hurting it though!) I love the idea of an American biscuit, it’s so different to what I would consider a biscuit. These look delish though 🙂

    January 27, 2014
    • Thank you, yes I realize that I am confusing my dear friends in the Australia, UK and Ireland. Yes, I really did a number on my finger, it’s more serious than I want to believe.

      January 27, 2014
  27. Goodnesss! I completely forgot to say how much I like your clean, new look! Wonderful! I need to do the same, but can’t bear to even think about the work involved 😦 Did you do it yourself?

    January 27, 2014
    • Thanks Christina, oh Lord no, I am so NOT tech savvyt, luckily wordpress is very good and all you have to do is pick a theme and they do all the work, I will have to fine tune but the major stuff is all word press.

      January 27, 2014
      • But you went from WordPress to WordPress, right? I have to go from Blogger to WordPress, and will have to hire someone 😦

        January 28, 2014
  28. Oh no, so sorry to hear about your finger. Sounds painful and frustrating. I hope you do get a second opinion and that you’re on the road to recovery soon. These biscuits look wonderful, and I love the new look here — the text font and crisp lines are soothing.

    January 27, 2014
    • Thank you so much. the biscuits are good. Pretty tender but not fluffy enough, I like fluffy biscuits. Still working on fine tuning the site but I like it too, the theme attracted me because of the clean lines. Thanks again.

      January 27, 2014
  29. Hi Suzanne, it is so sad to hear you fingers still not recover yet, but don’t be too upset, it will heal soon, maybe take a while. Have a good rest, and try not to do too much heavy work to make it worse. Wish you get better soon ! 🙂

    January 27, 2014
    • Thank you Mochi, I am trying not to do too much with the finger but it’s hard, I have it splinted so it won’t continue to dislocate. Hopefully it will work.

      January 27, 2014
      • I remembered two years ago, I cut my finger and lost part of my finger nail by my careless, I need to go to hospital to stop breeding, that’s my bad experience. It took two months to recover, but now even my finger nail looks a bit funny. Yours will get better soon, don’t worry! Smile!

        January 27, 2014
      • Thank you so much Mochi, so glad your finger healed. You give me hope for my finger.

        January 27, 2014
  30. Love the new look – very clean and easy to read. So sorry about your finger – that looks painful! Hope the healing process is quick from now on. The biscuits look yummy and I am also going to check out the Food52 version of the cheese biscuits (cheese is my fav).
    Get well soon!

    January 27, 2014
    • Thank you, those cheese biscuits are great, but be carefui with the salt, because cheese is salty I found I didn’t have to add more than a pinch of salt.

      January 27, 2014
  31. Oh Suzanne! You poor thing! I cannot imagine. Is it painful as well? I’ve never made biscuits either, and yours look great. Love the new look. Clean looking. Contemporary. I hope we still get to see the pugs!

    January 27, 2014
    • Thanks Lidia, yes it’s very painful. I am going to be putting the pugs front and center as soon as I figure it out.

      January 27, 2014
  32. I’m sorry your finger is still so sore – and that you are in pain. Must be very limiting and really it is incredible how we take everything for granted until challenged. Hope you get some relief very soon.

    I love tea biscuits and must confess – my own are hit and miss. Sometimes brilliant and then I am momentarily smug and recall my mother-in-law saying how good tea biscuits are the measure of a cook BUT then I try again and they turn out like little sad little hockey pucks. So the smugness evaporates rather quickly!

    Love your new look blog. I’ve been playing with various themes – can’t seem to make one stick!

    January 27, 2014
    • I don’t think I have had a biscuit that met my expectations, I think I have tried hundreds of recipes some come very close though. There is one on Food52,
      it is the closest to what I expect from a biscuit. I have been playing with themes for a long time now, I chose this one after much internal debate, it was the one I always came back to. So glad you like the look. Thanks so much.

      January 27, 2014
  33. I’m so sorry to hear about your finger! Definitely get a second opinion! We have do much to talk about! About dessert…never mind. It is too painful for you! We’ll have plenty of food. I like the new theme. It is very sleek!

    January 27, 2014
    • I am going to the physical therapist on Thursday. I am hoping they look at it and say, oh yes, we can fix this. We will talk about dessert, I would really like to make something if my finger will cooperate.

      January 27, 2014
  34. I’m so sorry your finger isn’t healing well! How horrible. Especially as a baker and all-round cook. And blogger. And anyone who showers, dresses themselves, and brushes their hair. We don’t even think about all the ways we use our hands through the day until one of them is out of action. On the bright side, I really like the look of your blog. It’s such a nice clean look – very, very nice. And I love the biscuits. I just pinned some biscuits over the weekend to try that have sour cream in them (since I have some sour cream I want to get rid of), but I love everything you bake so much, I really want to try these. Hope the physical therapy goes well this week!!

    January 27, 2014
  35. Oh! One correction on your blog I would make is to say fabulous food instead of good food. Your stuff is fabulous Suzanne!!

    January 27, 2014
    • You know I thought about your pillowy biscuits just a few minutes ago. I saved the recipe but never made them. As soon as can use my finger again I am going to make them and blog about them if it’s ok with you. Thank you so much, yes I didn’t really think about how much I use my finger until I lost the use of it. Everything is hard, I had to teach myself to give the pugs their insulin injections without my index finger, not easy to do, cutting their meat also hard. I have a special metal splint I use in the shower but still it’s difficult to wash my hair etc without that hand being free. Thank you for the very very kind words, I am honored, thank you again.

      January 27, 2014
      • Sending you a lot of healing energy in my meditations this week :-). And yes, definitely you can post about my pillowy biscuits. I’m honored that an accomplished baker like you would want to. If you have any questions about them when you make them, just let me know. I’m coming to NYC btw in February. I’m meeting my cousin there for a few days so we can spend some time together. Very excited. I haven’t been to NYC in a really, really long time. I’m going to try to stop by Food52 if I can get my cousin interested 🙂 Would love to meet you too !

        January 27, 2014
      • Oh please let me know when you are here, would so love to meet you.

        January 27, 2014
      • I feel the same way, Suzanne. I immediately thought of you and Dr. Babs (who’s now in Austin). I’ll let you know the dates.

        January 27, 2014
      • Really look forward to meeting you! Have wanted to for a long time.

        January 27, 2014
  36. Here’s to your finger healing safely and quickly! I’ll have to check out Julia’s biscuit recipe. I generally use Alton Brown’s but always up for trying something new. 🙂

    January 27, 2014
  37. Hope your finger’s on the mend. Mmm, biscuits, that’s something I don’t make nearly enough. These look great!

    January 27, 2014
    • Thanks Melissa, hopeful that at some point soon my finger will start to mend. I rarely make biscuits maybe because I become discouraged at the outcome so often. Thank you again.

      January 28, 2014
  38. Oh no. I was hoping to click on here and see an excited update stating that your finger was almost all better! 😦 😦 Not good at all. I am glad that you’re at the stage of starting physiotherapy though, hopefully once your muscles strengthen again they will be able to support the joint a bit better. Finger injuries can be so frustrating; I even get annoyed when I have a bandaid on my finger for more than one day! On the flip side, I love your new blog theme and the gorgeously golden biscuit recipe. The simple theme shows off your food perfectly. I’ll be praying that your finger responds well to the physio and that it will be back to normal in no time. Hugs, wish I could be there to do something (anything!) and make it better x

    January 28, 2014
    • Thanks Laura, going to get a second opinion and start PT hoping for the best. I am really quite pleased with this look, still working on fine tuning hoping to have it up and running completely soon. You are so sweet, thank you It makes me feel good knowing how kind you are.

      January 28, 2014
  39. I am SO sorry about your injury – very, very hard on you. Please take care. I am amazed you are blogging through your recovery…

    January 28, 2014
    • Thanks so much Liz, I have been kind of depressed about it, blogging at least makes me feel like I am doing part of what I like even if cooking is difficult.

      January 28, 2014
  40. You poor thing! Your finger looks so painful. I really hope it starts healing and getting stronger soon! Try to stay positive!

    January 28, 2014
    • Thanks Mary Frances, it is very painful. I can’t wait for this thing to heal, I have a new found appreciation for my index finger, won’t take it for granted from now on.

      January 28, 2014
  41. Fabulous new look Suzanne! I love it. Very clean lines and pleasing to the eye! I love biscuits. I too grew up with my mom making biscuits, however, she did make them from scratch. I never did get her recipe, but I think I do come pretty close. She used buttermilk and never had to measure or look at a recipe, which I could never do. So sorry to hear your finger is still painful. Hope for you to heal quickly. 🙂

    January 28, 2014
    • I like using buttermilk for biscuits, the problem is I so rarely have any in the fridge. Did she use self rising flour? Would love to see the recipe. Thanks so much.

      January 28, 2014
  42. Cathy Laws #

    I’m sorry to hear about your injury!! But this is a good use for buttermilk, I have some about to go bad in the fridge haha. Hope you recover soon 🙂

    January 28, 2014
  43. Eeeep! That xray doesn’t look good… Cooking anything is a nightmare with a finger out of action …poor you. But the biscuits do look super yummy, so I think you did a spectacular job with your 1.5 hands 🙂
    Biscuits are notoriously difficult: they spread, they rise too much, they flop, they goop. Yours look a bit like scones which are my FAVOURITE thing, so I officially love this recipe 🙂
    I love your blog too. Can’t wait to see more.

    January 28, 2014
    • Thank you so much! The finger is definitely causing angst, very frustrating. I love scones also, and you are right they were scone like. Thanks again and I am so happy to have found your blog!

      January 28, 2014
  44. ciao! biscuits are not my weakness…though, no doubt yours are a weakness for any palate. as for your blog’s new look, it’s just the best. i am sending 2 thumbs up for your finger’s recovery 🙂 hope it gives you a smile as well. speedy recovery!

    January 28, 2014
    • Thank you so much, for the good vibes for the finger, I am hoping to recover soon,

      January 29, 2014
  45. Your poor finger! I hope you will recover soon! The biscuits look pretty, I would add some cheese on top and melt it yum, yum!

    January 29, 2014
    • Thank you Katerina, yes cheese on top would be wonderful!!! BTW, I tried to leave a comment on the post for those delicious apple snail pastries, the captcha kept blocking me even though I put in the correct one. I have some phyllo and will make them.

      January 29, 2014
  46. I guess your biscuit is similar to our scone? Love your new look, very sleek and chic.

    January 29, 2014
    • Yes Anna, they are very similar to scones. I am so happy everyone likes the new look here. Thank you so much.

      January 29, 2014
  47. Love the new look. I’m sorry about your finger, I hope it heals soon. Thanks for the biscuit recipe, I’ve been looking for one!

    January 29, 2014
    • Thank you so much I am always searching for the ultimate biscuit recipe, can’t go wrong with Julia and that food52 cheese biscuit recipe is wonderful.

      January 30, 2014
  48. Ahhh I’m so sorry about your finger Suzanne!! I’m sorry I missed this post too 😦
    That really sucks that your finger is taking so long to heal….it looks so painful, ouch. I can only imagine how difficult it’s been….I would just freak out if I couldn’t cook everyday, lol!
    Oh, and those biscuits look delicious to me…I absolutely love biscuits…only problem is I will eat like 5 at once, lol! I have not made a vegan biscuit recipe yet….I will add that to my to do list…it keeps getting longer by the day 🙂
    I love the clean look of your blog too….easy to navigate.

    January 31, 2014
    • I am really becoming very discouraged and upset about the finger, going to a hand surgeon on Wednesday hopefully he can help. Thanks so much, I think making the biscuits vegan would be easy and delicious, vegetable shortening, coconut oil for fat and almond or coconut milk. I bet you could even make a cheesy biscuit using nutritional yeast. Thanks so much.

      January 31, 2014
  49. :/ Get better soon! 😦

    February 2, 2014
  50. I love the look! Who is the third pug? The X-ray of your finger is positively gruesome. Your frustration must be enormous with cooking restricted, but also because of how inconvenient it is to have any sort of hand injury. It must be affecting much of what you do, and you’ve had such cold weather on top of it all. I wish you were my neighbor so I could bring you hot foods and shovel your sidewalk.

    February 3, 2014
    • The third pug is Izzy and Nando’s BFF Daisey. She is our neighbor and visits often and sometimes has sleepovers. She is so cute and a very well behaved little lady.
      Yes, the finger injury is horrible in many ways. Restricted use of my right hand and I am right handed, the pain. I can’t wear a glove on that hand because my finger is splinted, the pain, ugh… Thank you so much I appreciate the caring and thoughtful gesture even from afar.

      February 3, 2014
  51. Love your new look, Suzanne! And I’m so sorry to hear about your finger. I can imagine it’s been such a painful inconvenience. Wish I was closer to help you out! Hugs to you.

    February 3, 2014
    • Thanks Hannah, yes it is a real bummer, thank you so much it makes me feel good just to know you would help.

      February 3, 2014
  52. Your finger RX is not looking well, Poor you, you must be in a lot of pain though! Well done you, on making these glorious winning biscuits! They look like scones though! With What do you eat them with?

    February 7, 2014
    • My finger is not good, still, ugh!! Yes still a lot of pain almost a month and a half after the accident and it’s still dislocated. Going to a specialist on the 21st hopefully they can set my finger straight. Yes they do look like scones right? I had a hard time forming the dough and using the biscuit cutter but they turned out alright. Thank you so much.

      February 7, 2014

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  1. Savoury buttermilk scones or ‘biscuits’… | foodbod

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