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Hoppin John For Good Luck, A Broken Finger And Happy 2014

hoppin john hoppin john

Hoppin John which contains blackeye peas is traditionally served on New Years Eve/ Day. They are supposed to bring good luck. I guess I could use it since I fell the other day, it was my own fault, never, especially on the pot hole laden streets of NYC push a shopping cart in front of you, you should drag it in back. I learned the hard way, I had just come from the food coop, cart full of all sorts of good stuff, it was pretty heavy. Crossing the street walking at a brisk pace, the wheels got stuck in a pothole, I went flying over the cart with my finger in one of the grooves, it completely dislocated my finger. I spent the rest of the day in the ER where they had to put it back together. I was lucky it wasn’t fractured. Unlucky for me it’s my right hand index finger. I will adapt. This was a bit difficult to make not because the recipe is hard but working without my index finger is not easy and painful.Vegetables are not cut in the proper size pieces but the results are the same.

Dislocated finger Dislocated finger

So I thought I better make some blackeye peas for good luck, this is not the way I envisioned starting 2014.

I have not eaten blackeye peas since I was a child. To be perfectly honest, I really disliked them after a very unappetizing school lunch containing the dreaded peas that I was forced to eat. Since then I have tasted them and they were ok, I looked at several hoppin john recipes and decided on one with bacon, because bacon makes everything better!! This recipe is simple to make and so delicious, now why didn’t they serve this at school it could have been spared years of being a blackeye pea hater.

The veggies The veggies


2 cups dried blackeye peas

1 red bell pepper diced

1 yellow bell pepper diced

1 jalapeno peper cut in half lengthwise seeds removed

1 large stalk celery sliced

1 medium onion diced

2 garlic cloves smashed

1 medium size carrot sliced

6 cups stock (vegetable or chicken) or you can use water

4 thick slices of bacon cut into lardons

splash of olive oil

1 bunch collard greens tough stems removed and cut into thin strips

steamed white rice

hot sauce of your choice

splash of apple cider vinegar (optional)

Rinse peas discarding any rocks or peas that don’t look good. Set aside. In dutch oven set on med/high heat saute the bacon to render the fat, remove the bacon leaving about 2 or 3 tbs of bacon fat in the pot my bacon was lean so I had to add a splash of olive oil, set the cooked bacon aside to add later. Still on med/high add onions and saute until they just begin to soften, add the celery, carrot and yellow and red bell pepper. Continue to saute until vegetables soften, add smashed garlic cloves and cook for another minute or two. Add the blackeye peas, reserved bacon, jalapeno pepper, collard greens and liquid, bring to a boil then reduce heat to medium and cook for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally and adding liquid if it looks too dry. Before serving, remove jalapeno pepper and discard (or you can keep it if you like) I just use for flavor.

Serve over steamed rice, brown or white your choice. Add some hot sauce, an optional splash of vinegar and garnish however you like. I really like some cheddar or manchego cheese grated on top.

A Very Happy New Year to all of you. I wish for all a happy, healthy, successful 2014 and I look forward to blog posts from each and every one of you!!

Taken from Pinterest Taken from Pinterest
77 Comments Post a comment
  1. talkavino #

    ouch! Sorry to hear about your finger, hope it will heal quickly. Happy New Year Suzanne!

    December 31, 2013
  2. Bevi #

    Ouch for sure! Happy New Year Suzanne! I hope it brings you good luck. Izzy is adorable.

    December 31, 2013
    • Yep Ouch!! You have a very Happy New Year, all the best in 2014!!

      December 31, 2013
  3. Oh my gosh!!! You need a huge helping of Hoppin John. Do they have to wrap it once they get the finger aligned? I can’t imagine how painful that must be!!! Kudos to you to making this dish while injured and posting it too!! A very Happy New Year to you!

    December 31, 2013
    • My finger is in a 2 sided splint, the dislocation was so severe that I have to keep my finger immobilized for quite a while. Yes they had to re align the bones, that freaked me out a bit. Have a really wonderful New Year and thank you!

      December 31, 2013
  4. PSsquared #

    I’m so sorry about your finger! I hope you heal quickly. And you’re right, bacon does make everything better. 🙂 I hope 2014 is injury-free for you and full of wonderful recipes. Cheers!

    December 31, 2013
    • It really does, the blackeye peas taste much better than I remembered. Thankks and Happy New Year!

      December 31, 2013
  5. Ouch! I hope it heals quickly!

    December 31, 2013
  6. Oh my goodness Suzanne… that had to be so painful. I’m so sorry that you were hurt, and I hope that your finger heals quickly and the pain goes right away. I would have freaked out too, that looks like it’s so bad!! The hoppin john looks amazing. I’ve never had it, but after reading the recipe, I think I could easily eat the whole bowlful!! Happy New Year… keep safe please!!!

    December 31, 2013
    • Yes it was and still is pretty painful, it was quite serious. I have to be more careful! Thank you so much and a very happy and safe New Year ti you also.

      December 31, 2013
  7. Ouch! May the finger heal quickly. Lovely pup pic. Happy New Year!

    December 31, 2013
  8. Oh Suzanne, it must have been painful! Take good care of yourself and may your 2014 be everything you really wish it to be,,, injury free!! Thank you for the recipe! Happy New Year!

    December 31, 2013
    • Thanks so much Viviana, look forward to more from you in 2014, a very Happy New Year!

      December 31, 2013
  9. Oh my gosh Suzanne! Your poor finger! You are such a trooper to write this post. Hope it heals soon and that this will be the last of any woes for a LONG time to come. Out with 2013 and wishing you a wonderful and healthy and happy and super lucky 2014. (Love the lucky Hopping John recipe btw) Happy New Year to you and Izzy & Nando ❤

    December 31, 2013
    • Thanks Azita, I had planned to write this post but not the finger part. It will heal but will take a while. Thanks so much and Happy New Year!

      December 31, 2013
  10. Happy New Year!

    December 31, 2013
  11. Oh no, I’m so happy to hear about your finger, is it still hurting you? I sure hope you feel better soon! Lots of good luck in the new year,and we have to get together!

    December 31, 2013
    • Thank you, it is still painful hoping soon it won’t be. All the best in 2014, I follow your blog enthusiastically and can’t wait to see what you have planned. Would love to get together!

      December 31, 2013
  12. That looks and sounds like a very painful fall! I know I fell on my thumb and hurt that really badly whilst in first year at art school. The head of the year sent me to A&E (ER) to have an X-ray, just in case. Wasn’t nearly as bad as yours. As he put it, better to make certain it’s going to heal properly. I guess he was right. Take care, and not too much typing! You came up as my top commenter in 2013! Oh, and Happy New Year – as you’ll be celebrating soon.

    December 31, 2013
    • Thanks Johnny, those pesky accidents suck, trying not to do too much typing or really not using the finger, can’t really anyway they wrapped it up and splinted it so that I cannot move it. Happy Happy New Year to you, I love your blog, the photo’s so artistic and beautiful and your recipes are delicious and creative. Can’t wait to see what you have for us in the New Year.

      January 1, 2014
  13. Oh Suzanne, that’s one badly dislocated finger! You poor thing! Can imagine how difficult and painful it must be just to try and do the everyday things after an accident like that. Love the lucky recipe though – especially it’s very quirky name! Wishing you and your pugs a wonderful 2014!

    December 31, 2013
    • Margot, you are so sweet. thank you. Hoping the recipe is a catalyst to good luck in 2014. Thank you and all the best in the New Year!

      January 1, 2014
  14. Double, triple ouch! Poor thing! I truly hope that at least the pain is gone by now. We have a similar tradition: we eat lentils because they are supposed to bring money.
    I wish you a stellar New Year and I look forward to reading your new posts.
    Francesca Xx

    December 31, 2013
    • Thanks Francesca. it’s getting better, still painful but it will be for a while because it was really a severe injury. Wishing you and your beautiful family the best for 2014!

      January 1, 2014
  15. Happy New Year! Wishing you a speeding recovery and that your dreams come true in 2014.

    December 31, 2013
  16. Oh my goodness OUCH Suzanne! Sooo sorry, that sounds so painful 😦 I hope you recover quickly and that your day to day tasks aren’t too difficult. On another note, this black eyed pea dish looks and sounds incredible. Seriously, I want to make it…I think my hubby would love it. I’ll need to go to the store for a couple ingredients, but want to make it this week. Sorry, but I’ll skip the bacon and create a vegan smoky maple bacon 😉 I can’t wait!!! Thank you and feel better.

    January 1, 2014
    • It is so easy to veganize, simply omit bacon. I know you will take it way up in the stratosphere. Hope you had a great New Years celebration and I can’t wait to see what you have for us in 2014!

      January 1, 2014
  17. Oh my goodness, dear Suzanne. I wish you quick recovery… 😦
    On a happier note, Happy New Year Darling Lovely Lady! 😀

    January 1, 2014
    • Thank you, today it is a bit better Hope you had a wonderful New Years whether quietly or at a gathering with others. Wishing you the very best of everything in 2014!

      January 1, 2014
  18. I meant New not Bew. Pls correct it for me. 😉

    January 1, 2014
  19. Oh no! So sorry to hear about your finger – that must be sooo painful. I’ve had several broken fingers, but I think a dislocation must be worse 😦 I hope it heals quickly and that it’s not too complicated to get things done. I love the photo of the pug – gorgeous! A very Happy New Year to you, Izzy and Nando too from the humans, hens, horses and especially Hugo…

    January 1, 2014
    • Yes it’s painful. I have never had a broken finger but a broken toe or two over the years and this is definitely more painful. They say because the dislocation was complete and it involved ligaments and cartilage it will take longer to heal and be more painful. Thank you and hope you have a great year, all of you!

      January 1, 2014
  20. Oh poor finger!! Better soon!

    January 1, 2014
  21. cookingupthecure #

    Yikes! I just saw this! Blessings on that must be a sign that you are releasing all that was ‘dislocated’ in your life this past year and moving forward with a renewed path in the New Year. Since our index finger is used to point direction, yours seems reoriented for a purpose. Speedy healing ❤

    January 1, 2014
    • Oh wow, I love your interpretation of this. I was looking at it totally negative but I feel enlightened now. Thank you so much and a very Happy New Year with much good health and happiness.

      January 1, 2014
  22. Ouch and oh dear, I am very sorry to hear about your finger and I hope the blackeye peas bring you luck and that your finger mends fully soon. I wish you a happy, peaceful and healthy 2014. Take care. 😉

    January 1, 2014
    • Thank you, Im on the mend. Another month and I should be good as new. You also have a happy and healthy 2014!

      January 1, 2014
  23. Oh my – that looks terribly painful. What an accident!! Do take care of yourself Suzanne and have another helping of those black eyed peas!!

    January 1, 2014
    • Thanks Mary Frances, it was pretty terrible. I did eat an extra helping for good luck. You have a wonderful New Year, heath and happiness to you and yours.

      January 1, 2014
  24. Heal fast and have a wonderful AND SAFE 2014!

    January 1, 2014
  25. I completely got the “willies” when I saw your x-ray! Complete dislocation! That’s awful. Can not believe you pulled off the hopping’ john recipe under your condition. I grew up eating black eyed peas too Suzanne! And my dad still makes them on New Years for good luck. 🙂 Is that your little pug? So cute! What an adorable face. Happy New Year and hope you have a speedy recovery. Damn shopping cart…

    January 1, 2014
    • No one in the hospital could believe it, they kept calling people in to look, they said it was terrible. Ugh!! I lived in the south and our school cafeteria served catfish and blackeye peas, and they really didn’t try hard to make it tasty. It kind of ruined me for many years. No thats not Izzy, it’s another pug in my pinterest pug group, that is how Izzy looks though at least when she was younger. Thank you and Happy New Year to you too!!

      January 1, 2014
      • Me too Suzanne! Arkansas. Catfish and black eyed peas a regular…as well as beans and fried potatoes! 🙂 What about you? Where in the south?

        January 1, 2014
      • Alabama, went to grade school in Huntsville. Here in NYC, its pizza and tater tots. Yep we got beans and fried potatoes too, I didn’t mind that but the blackeye peas yuck!!

        January 1, 2014
  26. Oh my gawd, Suz!! I can’t believe the news about your finger. I hope all is better soon! Take good care!! Happy NY!

    January 1, 2014
    • Yes very unlucky definitely. They say 4-6 weeks wearing a splint. Thanks Em!

      January 1, 2014
  27. Oh, Suzanne – so sorry to hear about your finger. That looks really painful, so I’m seriously impressed that you made this dish while adjusting to that. Hoppin’ John is a lot of chopping! Luckily, it looks like it turned out great. I love the bit of red pepper in your recipe.

    January 1, 2014
    • Yes it was a lot of chopping, figured I’d jump un since I will be like tjis for over a month. Happy New Year Lori and thank you!

      January 2, 2014
  28. Liz #

    What a rotten way to start the New Year! Yet all in the name of good food 🙂 You’re a better woman than I to keep up with the veggie chopping. I’d consider it a sign that Chinese take-out was to be the meal for New Year’s. Wishing you a quick recovery!

    January 1, 2014
    • Thanks, LOL, I considered take out but decided to give it a go and make the beans. Happy New Year!

      January 2, 2014
  29. Oh Suzanne! I’m so sorry!!! Poor you! Well, lets hope those Hoppin John beans will bring you loads of luck in 2014. Happy, Happy New Year Suzanne! xoxoxo

    January 1, 2014
    • Thank you so much Lidia, yes hoping the beans kick in and bring good luck! Wishing you and yours a very happy New Year and healthy and successful 2014!

      January 2, 2014
  30. shashi @ #

    Ouch – that finger dislocation looks so painful!
    I hope its better now! And I am in awe of you chopping up all those veggies with a dislocated finger!
    Wishing you Health and happiness in 2014 Suzanne!

    January 2, 2014
    • Thanks Shashi, going to take 4-6 weeks for the finger they said. I am learning to use my middle finger to guide the knife now. The same to you, health, happiness and prosperity in 2014!

      January 2, 2014
  31. That looks so painful – the photo is quite a souvenir though… it will bring back memories of the end to 2013. Hope your finger is fully recovered soon. Happy new year, and thank you for explaining why I’ve been seeing so many recipes for hoppin John on blogs over the past couple of days!

    January 2, 2014
    • Yes that photo of the x-ray will be quite the souvenir. Every year at New Years you will see a plethora of blackeye pea recipes. Thanks so much and best wishes for a happy and healthy 2014!

      January 2, 2014
  32. sprinklesandsauce #

    Hope you heal fast and soon! We look forward to seeing more of your posts! 🙂

    January 2, 2014
    • Thank you so much, I look forward to more from you in 2014! Happy New Year.

      January 3, 2014
  33. Oh, Suzanne! That must of really hurt! The dish looks delicous and I hope you have a wonderful New Year even if it got off to rough start. All the best to you–Laila

    January 3, 2014
    • Thanks Laila, it is really a delicious dish. This was my first time in many years trying blackeye peas and I liked them A happy, healthy and prosperous 2014 to you and your family!

      January 3, 2014
  34. Get well soon! I wish to you and your family a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year!

    January 3, 2014
    • Thanks so much Katerina, a very happy, healthy 2014 to you and yours.

      January 3, 2014
  35. Oh my gosh, Suzanne: that’s awful! I am so sorry that you had to go through so painful an experience and then that you were left with the temporary inconvenience of having to make do without the full use of the index finger of your right hand. Typing among other things must be hard.
    I hope by now you are in full recovery and enjoying the new year.
    Happy New Year once again and stay warm on this frigid day!

    January 7, 2014
    • Thanks Stefano, everything is hard without the use of my index finger, If I get the use of it back I will always appreciate that little digit from now on. You stay warm also, we are in the midst of a terrible deep freeze bit looking forward to Saturdays warm temps, I am in love with Sofia btw!!

      January 7, 2014
  36. Oh WOW, that is a good dislocation! Such a silly, freak accident. I dislocated my thumb one time playing volleyball- no fun. It did not look to pretty or feel very nice. Hopefully it heals quickly! You are definitely a trooper to still have made this! Looks great 🙂

    January 8, 2014
    • Yes, I really dislocated the finger good alright, that must have been hard not having your thumb to use for a while, it really does look horrible and feel even worse. My finger still looks terrible. It was a careless mistake on my part and a mistake trying to use my hand so soon but I am stubborn and unfortunately learn things the hard way.Thanks, it did taste good though!

      January 8, 2014
      • Ya, it was a bit of an inconvenience as yours is as well. The worst was I couldn’t play vball or bball for a while 😦

        January 12, 2014
  37. Oh, I am so sorry to hear this, Suzanne! With my trip to Germany, my son’s surgery and the holidays, I have been “out of the blogging world” except to post a few recipes! I hope it’s feeling better by now.

    January 10, 2014
    • I hope your son is doing well after the surgery and that you had a nice time in Germany. Thank you!

      January 10, 2014

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