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Creamy Chicken Tenders

Chicken Tenders In Cream Sauce

Chicken Tenders In Cream Sauce

This recipe is so simple and delicious. I have been meaning to post it for a while but never got around to it until I saw the Whole Foods recipe contest is stovetop chicken recipes and I decided to enter it. This can be a quick weeknight supper or an elegant entree for a dinner party. Because I use chicken tenders it’s a very quick cook, including prep it’s less than 30 minutes. I like to serve with plain rice but it’s equally good eaten alone with a vegetable or salad on the side. I’ve been making this for years and I can’t honestly remember where I got the recipe, it’s quite possible I created it myself. The sauce is rich and so flavorful.  You can omit the heavy cream altogether for a light sauce increasing the white wine to 1/2 cup and maybe add a tbs of butter.

Serves 3-4 depending on serving size

    • 8 chicken tenders
    • 1 shallot peeled and chopped
    • olive oil for pan
    • 1/3 cup white wine
    • 12 cherry tomatoes cut in half
    • 1/2 cup heavy cream
    • 6 basil leaves divided (3 and 3) cut chiffonade or 1/4 tsp dried basil
    • 1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce
    • salt and pepper to taste

    Heat enough olive oil to coat your saute pan, add the shallot and cook until tender and translucent, add the chicken tenders and sear, remove chicken from pan and add the white wine to deglaze the pan, let reduce by 1/4 (approximately 3 minutes on med/high heat) add the cherry tomatoes and let cook until the tomatoes soften. Now add the heavy cream, worcestershire sauce and 3 of the basil leaves that have been cut. Add the chicken tenders back to the sauce and let cook for approximately 8 minutes or until chicken is cooked through and sauce thickens a little. Before serving add the rest of the basil chiffonade.

68 Comments Post a comment
  1. This looks like our type of recipe, down to the tomatoes and worcestershire sauce. I love how creamy the tenders look, I can never say no to cream!

    October 22, 2013
  2. Creamy white wine sauce with basil – unbeatably delicious! I love your photo too…

    October 22, 2013
    • Thank you, it is really delicious and I love how quick it comes together. Instant gratification!

      October 22, 2013
  3. So lovely.

    There are some dishes that I just can’t control myself over. I will eat and eat until I’m stuffed, but then I keep eating because it tastes so delicious! On those days, the word for the day for me is Glutton… 🙂

    This truly looks like one of those dishes for me! Oh yes, I need to try this one. Yum, yummy.. 🙂

    October 22, 2013
    • Thank you so much, I am the same way. I had to put it away, I could just keep eating, especially the sauce. I hope you like it if you give a try! Thank you again.

      October 22, 2013
  4. Sooo saucy. I don’t think I’d leave any of it leftover.. soak it up with pasta.. rice.. straight…whatever!

    October 22, 2013
  5. Looks beautiful and delicious Suzanne. I love the colors and creaminess! I love the wine and basil addition….yummy!

    October 22, 2013
    • Thanks so much Brandi, could easily morph into vegetarian by using portobello’s and I know you could put your delicious spin on it to make it vegan.

      October 22, 2013
  6. love it! love the addition of the basil as well!

    October 22, 2013
    • Thank you so much, I love basil and picked the last few leaves from my garden for this. :o(

      October 22, 2013
  7. I love this! So many of my favorite flavors all in one place. I suspect leftovers are equally as good.

    October 22, 2013
    • Thank you, yes leftovers are really good. I think that might be how I came up with the recipe my favorite flavors.

      October 22, 2013
      • And I love that it can be served with anything: rice, pasta, quinoa, even a vegetable purée.

        October 22, 2013
      • Yes, my favorite is rice but most of the time I eat alone with vegetables saving the carbs. Thanks so much Cynthia!

        October 22, 2013
  8. That looks so good, Suzanne! I’m gonna try it next week! :o)

    October 22, 2013
    • Thank you, I hope you like and would love to know what wine you would pair with it!!

      October 22, 2013
  9. You could pair it with whatever wine you use in the sauce… 🙂 Sauvignon blanc? Oh, this looks so succulent and creamy! Would it be sacrilege if I added garlic? Beautiful photos and elegant recipe!

    October 22, 2013
    • Garlic would be wonderful, I use shallot and for me it has a understated garlic taste, but I really recommend adding some garlic it would be fantastic. Thanks a sauvignon blanc is good I used an Italian white, minerally, crisp thought it would be good with the cream sauce. I got lucky with the photo, LOL!

      October 22, 2013
      • OH, I love the sound of a white italian wine in this. I love a crispy, mineral-scented wine. You are SO right about the garlic. I have issues controlling my (over!) use of garlic. Photo was fabulous.

        October 22, 2013
  10. I love moist chicken. This sounds very good.

    October 22, 2013
  11. Great looking chicken tenders. Yum!

    October 22, 2013
    • I like tenders, quick to cook and they are, well, tender. Thanks so much!

      October 22, 2013
  12. Thanks Suzanne, I will be trying this recipe out in the next week! It looks like the perfect dish for our family and just the sort of mid-week meal that doesn’t take too long to cook, but delivers great flavour and home-cooked loveliness! Cheers, Margot

    October 22, 2013
    • Thanks Margot, this is a really tasty quick meal. Hope you like it if you make it.

      October 23, 2013
  13. Liz #

    that is lovely 🙂 I tire easily of chicken tenders, but they’re easy and healthy and great protein so keep them around. Glad for the inspiration and a new recipe!

    October 22, 2013
    • I like to keep them around for a quick meal, honestly I don’t eat that much meat of any kind. I do like a quick and easy recipe for weeknights and this takes no time at all to make. Thanks so much LIz.

      October 23, 2013
  14. PSsquared #

    Ooh, this looks easy enough for me to handle! And now that it’s not insanely hot anymore, I can use my stove again. Oddly enough, my husband LOVES Worcestershire. I will try this soon. Thanks! 🙂

    October 23, 2013
    • Thank you, yes it’s definitely cooling down and dusting off the stove. Hope you like it you make it.

      October 23, 2013
  15. Heavy cream with the fusion of the ingredients is fantastic. I hope you will win the WF contest. Yum!

    October 23, 2013
  16. I agree, chicken tenders is a wonderful “fast food” and a favorite at our house. Good luck with the contest, yours looks delicious!

    October 23, 2013
    • Thats exactly why I like them, they cook quickly, are lean and a good protein source. Thanks so much.

      October 23, 2013
  17. This looks really great! And I love the touch of Worcestershire sauce.

    October 23, 2013
    • Thanks Kenley, the worcestershire really add so much to this dish.

      October 23, 2013
  18. Great, great recipe Suzanne! Usually, I’m not crazy about chicken because it tends to get very dry but with your amazing creamy sauce I’m sure it tastes wonderful!!! 🙂 And the short cooking time is just icing on the cake! 😉

    October 23, 2013
    • Thank you, I agree, chicken can get very dry which is why I like this recipe, short cooking time and the sauce keeps the chicken very moist.

      October 23, 2013
  19. This won’t surprise you! I’ve just looked up tenders. As they’re not sold as that over here. This sounds like my sort of sups right now. Anything to do with cream 🙂

    October 23, 2013
    • No not surprised at all, felt like tenders might be something here in the US. I have made this with a regular piece of chicken although never with dark meat, only the breast.

      October 23, 2013
  20. This sounds like it’s delicious!

    October 23, 2013
  21. This is one of those comforting and perfect-anytime meals. Good luck with the contest Suzanne! Go get them!

    October 23, 2013
  22. This looks so so good! Don’t know what tenders are, your picture looks a bit like chicken breast fillets but anyway I’m sure I can have a go with some regular chicken breasts.

    October 24, 2013
    • Thanks Anna, yes the tenders are part of the chicken breast, kind of like filet mignon but chicken. There is a very tender part of the breast. I use regular chicken breasts all the time and it works perfectly you just need to cook longer to ensure the chicken is done.

      October 24, 2013
  23. What a comforting dish, Suzanne! I can see why you make this so often. I like your addition of Worcestershire sauce, too, for a richer flavor.

    October 24, 2013
    • Thank you, yes the worcestershire sauce really adds a terrific flavor to the sauce. It’s a flavoring or condiment that is not used often enough.

      October 24, 2013
  24. I really like this. Would never think to add cream, however, I know it would be delicious! Love the idea of it’s richness. Perfect for these cold foggy days we have been having for the past week.

    October 25, 2013
    • It’s great cold weather food, thank you so much. It’s a bit rich because of the cream but when the weather turns cold I crave food thats a bit on the rich side,

      October 25, 2013
  25. Very nice, juicy and flavorful! What a great dish, Suzanne!

    October 26, 2013
    • Thank you so much, it’s quick and easy and really flavorful, one of my favorites.

      October 26, 2013
  26. Beautiful Suzanne! I’ll have to try this. Best of luck with the contest!

    October 27, 2013
  27. Oh my gosh, Suzanne. This looks fantastic. I totally want to make this for a dinner party, and then do a veggie version too. And what an appetizing photo!!

    October 28, 2013
    • Yes a veggie version would be delicious. Mushrooms would be fantastic.Thanks so much.

      October 28, 2013
  28. I love delicious recipes that are easy to make, I am going to add this one to my culinary repertoire. Thanks for sharing.

    October 29, 2013
    • Thank you, it’s such a quick and easy recipe. I hope you like it!

      October 29, 2013
  29. Beautiful photo– makes it pretty irresistible!

    October 31, 2013
  30. Sooo yumm! Making me hungry!:)

    November 12, 2013
  31. Mmm!

    November 12, 2013
  32. You had me at wine + cream + herbs. Looks delicious!

    November 20, 2013

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