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Palm Plates- A Review for Marx Food

Large square plate

I volunteered to review Marx Foods Eco Friendly Palm Plates for them. I received my plates and am very excited to give them a try. They are very attractive, rustic looking plates, here is the write up on Marx Food website:

These environmentally friendly square palm plates are made from a natural, renewable, and biodegradable raw material. Naturally discarded sheaths of the leaves of the Adaka palm tree are collected, which in the course of its biological life cycle, dry, fall and regenerate. No trees are cut down. The palm sheaths are then cleaned in fresh spring water and molded into shapes (read How Palm Plates are Made for more info).

Palm leaf plates are durable and leak proof, able to withstand hot and cold temperatures without getting soggy or flimsy. They are tough enough that you can cut steaks on them, standing up to both the serrated blade and the pressure required to cut the meat.

Even though these are disposable plates, each durable piece is unique with an attractive wood pattern finish that fits into both rustic and elegant events.

Test #1- Durability

The plates feel sturdy, are very attractive and my initial reaction is that these are more than a step above your usual disposable plates. So I am going to really put them to the test and heap some serious useage on them.

I received two sizes the large square plate and the smaller square salad plate. I received the package as I was preparing dinner for my dogs, I do cook for my dogs!! Izzy eats beef so the first test was on the small salad plate, Instead of using a cutting board to cut her meat I decided to use the Palm Plate, I heaped the beef on the plate juice and all and cut it with my very sharp serrated knife. We have all, I’m sure been in a situation at a BBQ or outdoor event when we have meat on a disposable plate and it can be challenging (a nightmare really) to cut on flimsy plates. If you use a palm plate the nightmare or challenge is a thing of the past. I cut beef and it held up beautifully. The plate, came through with flying colors, not a nick or scratch, no leaking. I love it! But i didn’t stop at that, I left some meat in the juices sitting on the plate and cut again a little later, the plate remained hard and again no leaks.

Meat cut on Palm Plate

I was determined to really test the durability of this plate, truth be told I was already very impressed. I decided to give it another test, I microwaved some vegetables on the plate on high for 35 seconds. The plate came through really pretty well, it warped ever so slightly but was still hard and strong, I then mashed the vegetables on the plate and it came through the abuse with flying colors.

Mashed peas

Not stopping there, I washed the plate with soap and water, rinsed well and proceeded to cut a mango on the same plate. Again, no leaks, sturdy as ever. Imagine at your next BBQ or outdoor party and your guests are able to comfortably eat, cut and re-use their plates. It’s good for you and the environment.

Cut mango

Test #2- Strength

Now let’s see how strong this plate is, can it hold up to that all you can eat, heavy food that is piled high on your plate. I have a cantaloupe weighing just over 4 pounds, so I thought it would be fun to see if that heavy melon would break the plate so to speak.

My big cantaloupe

I placed the melon on the large square plate and lifted it, I was a little worried about this test that melon was heavy,there was no sagging, it felt secure. You won’t have to worry about your plate collapsing even if its loaded with food.

The plate doesn’t even sag

I gave the used plates to my friend who has a compost bin, the jury is still out about the bio-degradeable quality of the plate.

General Overview:

Palm Plates are strong, attractive, eco-friendly.

Would I buy them? Most definitely, I love that I am using a product that is good for the environment and high quality. I would recommend these without hesitation.

8 Comments Post a comment
  1. I love these, Suzanne! Do you know whether they’re available in stores or I go to their website to order them? I go through a lot of paper plates in the summer with the grandkids visiting, and this would be perfect! Great, great review!

    May 20, 2012
  2. Thank you, they really are a revelation. I also go through a ton of paper plates. These really are amazing, I have never seen them in the stores but am ordering them from the Marx food website. I want them for Memorial Day BBQ! I could not believe how strong they are. My friend told me the plate in her compost bin is breaking down.

    May 20, 2012
  3. I just went to their website, and I plan to order some too. I love how they look! Thanks so much for reviewing them so I could learn about them 🙂

    May 20, 2012
    • I am so glad I did, honestly they are the best disposable plate out there. Hate plastic, so bad for the environment and paper, well totally falls apart and I won’t even talk about styrofoam. Thanks so much!

      May 20, 2012
      • I was with a good friend today who does a lot of entertaining and told her about these plates. She’s getting some too 🙂

        May 20, 2012
      • Thats great I have to find out if they are available in stores. Thank you for spreading the word.

        May 20, 2012
  4. I love their rustic style, it looks so beautiful – a great product review my friend 😀

    Choc Chip Uru

    May 20, 2012

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