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Posts tagged ‘rose’ and fruit sorbet’

Peach,Raspberry Rose’ Sorbet For Fiesta Friday #71



It has been a while since I have participated in Fiesta Friday, It’s about time I join the party again. Angie has been great, checking in on me and I so appreciate it. We are but a few short weeks away from the start of Summer and I thought I would bring a cooling, refreshing sorbet to the party. Now this is sorbet with a kick, it’s made with Rose’ and some fruit. It’s great on it’s own or made into an ice cold spritzer with some sparkling water or even add a scoop to some prosecco!! This week’s party is hosted by sweet Angie@The Novice Gardener and the lovely co hosts areĀ Laurie @ ten.times.tea and Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook. Welcome Laurie, this is her first time hosting!!!

About a week ago Aleksandra a regular on Food52, a friend and author of the gorgeous (James Beard nominated) blog Three Little Halves posted a question on the Hotline asking for ideas on what to do with a bottle of Rose’ wine that she was not in love with to drink but wanted to use so as not to waste. We went back and forth she eventually decided on a jelly, I had suggested a sorbet. Inspired by our conversation I decided to make sorbet out of rose’. I used the great recipe by David Lebovitz for Rasberry Rose sorbet and changed it a bit using juicy ripe peaches along with the raspberry and a hint of orange (2 small pieces of tangerine skin).

Blended, strained and ready to chill

Blended, strained and ready to chill

Peach,Raspberry Rose’ Sorbet

Adapted from a recipe by DavidĀ Lebovitz

Serves 6-8 depending on serving size

2 cups rose’

2/3 cup sugar

3 cups raspberries and peaches

small piece of orange or tangerine peel

Pour the rose’ and sugar in a non reactive saucepan, bring to a boil and immediately removed from the heat. Add the raspberries, peaches and orange peel. Let sit until it reaches room temperature then blend until smooth. Pour through a sieve into a bowl or container and refrigerate until very cold.

Process using manufacturers directions in your ice cream maker.

Serve on it’s own as a palette cleansing sorbet or add a couple of scoops to sparkling water for a delicious and refreshing drink.

A great way to enjoy wine!!

A great way to enjoy wine!!
