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Posts tagged ‘frozen desserts’

Fresh Peach Ice Cream In Profiteroles With Blackberries

I am becoming more involved again at Food52, testing recipes and entering contests. This is all part and parcel of my need to challenge myself. I signed up to test a recipe for Fresh Peach Ice Cream by Chef June, it is on the list for a community pick, which is step one of the contest protocol. Chef June is an amazing cook/chef and has been a community member for a long time and her recipes are always spot on. What intrigued me about this recipe is that it has a custard base but the custard is uncooked. You should use the freshest eggs you can get your hands on and if you have compromised health or are very young or very old you may want to cook your custard. Since I don’t fall into any of those categories I gave this a go, have to be honest I hate standing over the pot cooking the custard, constantly stirring it and stressing about whether I’ve cooked it too little or too much (scrambled eggs).  I was happy that step was eliminated. Fresh peaches are not in season yet so I had to use frozen and although they were ok they were not the same so the peachy flavor was a little absent. I can’t wait for peaches to hit the market so I can make this again as it’s a wonderful recipe.

I had some profiteroles left from my post a few weeks ago which I froze, and I thought that this would make a lovely dessert. One of my favorite pies is peach and blackberries so the blackberries were macerated in sugar and cassis and served on the side. It’s delicious and simple, yes profiteroles are really easy to make and I can attest to the fact that they freeze well. I thawed them in the oven on 200 degree’s for about 15 minutes, they were just like freshly made. When making this I again I would make the following changes, instead of 2 cups whole milk I would add 1 cup whole milk, 1 cup half and half and 1 cup heavy cream, reduce the nutmeg to 1/4 tsp/.

Fresh Peach Ice Cream

Recipe by Chef June on Food52

2 cups peaches (approximately 8 peaches) peeled and chopped, broken up retaining their juices

1 cup sugar

1/2 tsp nutmeg

Juice of half a lemon

2 extra large eggs (I used 3 large eggs)

1/8 tsp fine sea salt

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

2 cups whole milk

1 cup heavy cream

Peel the peaches, Chef June suggests blanching first by dipping the peach for 30 seconds in boiling water,(like tomatoes) the skin will come off very easily. Slice into a bowl and break the peaches up with your hands, add 1/4 cup sugar, the lemon juice and nutmeg and stir to combine. Refrigerate for about 2 hours covered stirring every so often.

After the peaches are cold drain them retaining the juices and put the peaches back in the refrigerator, also refrigerate the retained peach juice.

Meanwhile in a mixing bowl whisk or beat with hand held mixer the eggs, the remaining 3/4 cup of sugar, salt and vanilla until thick and creamy and lighter in color.

Add the milk, heavy cream and peach juice and stir to combine. Process in your ice cream maker following manufacturers directions. About 2 minutes before the ice cream is done add the peaches. Spoon into your freezer container and let sit in the freezer until it’s scoopable.


Chocolate Cheesecake Ice Cream

Chocolate Cheesecake Ice Cream

Chocolate Cheesecake Ice Cream

It’s hot out and even though I am watching what I eat I still enjoy a little indulgence, this ice cream is exactly that. Creamy, rich and delicious, with a slight tang from the cream cheese and lots of chocolatey goodness. I used my go to vanilla ice cream base and made some additions, dark chocolate and cream cheese. Need I say more!!!

1 1/2 cups heavy cream

1 1/2 cups whole milk

4 oz really soft cream cheese (you can also use mascarpone)

5 egg yolks at room temperature from large eggs

1/2 cup sugar

6 oz semi sweet dark chocolate  chopped into small pieces(I used Divine)

pinch of salt

1 tbs pure vanilla extract

2 tbs clear corn syrup (optional)

Separate your egg yolks and place them in your mixing bowl with the sugar and pinch of salt. Add the heavy cream and milk to medium saucepan and bring to scalding on medium heat. While your milk and cream are heating beat the egg yolks until they are light and creamy, add the softened cream cheese and continue whisking until the mixture is creamy, thick and light with no lumps of the cream cheese. Slowly whisk in a little of the hot milk to temper the eggs, add back to the pan and cook on med/low heat stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Using heat that is too high and not stirring can cause the eggs to scramble. Continue cooking until the custard is thick and coats the back of the spoon, Swipe a line on the back of the spoon, the line should stay intact and not run together. If you choose to use a thermometer the custard should be done at about 170 degrees.

Remove from heat, add the chocolate, let sit for about 5 minutes, stir until combined, it will be smooth and silky. Add the vanilla and optional corn syrup, stir. Cover the top of the custard with plastic wrap sitting directly on top of the custard, let it sit on the counter until it cools then refrigerate in the coldest part of the fridge overnight or at least 4 hours. Alternately you can prepare an ice bath and sit the bowl of custard in it stirring frequently until it cools. The temperature of the custard should be 40 degrees or less before you make the ice cream.

Follow manufacturers instructions for your ice cream maker.