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Finding Inspiration

Hello everyone, today is a holiday, remembering the life and legacy of  Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. we should honor and remember this great man in our thoughts, actions and life everyday. He was a man of purpose and peace, his philosophy and life is celebrated and remembered by all on this day every January 15th. He changed the world not with violence but with words of peace delivered with absolute conviction and great faith. The world will forever be a better place because of him.

It has been almost a month since I last posted anything, thats terrible, but I simply have not been inspired to cook, create and blog. Has that happened to any of you before? My apologies for not keeping up with your blogs. I won’t go into details but a lot has been happening and it has taken it’s toll on me emotionally. I try, I really do but unless I actually want to cook or bake they just don’t come out well and frankly are not blog worthy. Hoping to do a Valentines post or posts and get baking again. I’ve ordered a couple of new cookbooks, searching for inspiration and ideas and they will be arriving soon. I feel like I have a blockage and just can’t seem to break out, maybe soon.  The weather has been extreme, cold, snow and ice which doesn’t help. I love to go to the farmers market for inspiration, in the winter months it’s not exactly inspirational but I can usually find something there that gets my creative juices flowing, it’s been too darn cold to even venture outside and walk to the market.

I have made a few things that turned out well no real recipes mostly using up leftovers, simple fare.  Will post a few photo’s of some things I have made recently, the first was homemade pasta using this really cool pasta maker I got from the Food52 shop. Sometimes I just don’t feel like getting my pasta machine out and this is the answer to that making quick and easy perfect noodles. Love it!!

Calling all bloggers!! Would anyone like to do a guest post while I am in this funk? Would be so happy and honored to post some of your delicious recipes on the blog. Let me know, email me or comment below.

no bigger than a small rolling pin

Homemade pasta with shaved Brussels sprouts, mascarpone,parmigiana and lemon

I mentioned before I much I detest wasting food, in an effort to use some vegetables in my refrigerator and half of a recipe for pie dough (don’t like leaving in freezer too long) I made vegetable pot pie using cauliflower, asparagus, carrots, peas. Roasted the vegetables drizzled with olive oil and seasoned with salt, pepper and turmeric (except the peas) in the oven on 400 degrees until tender. Made a simple béchamel and added some gruyere. Tossed in the veggies and spooned into bowls, covered with the pie dough and grated a little more gruyere. They were delicious and simple and perfect comfort food on a very cold day.

vegetable pot pie

More food that must be used is some fresh mozzarella, some baby tomatoes and fresh basil. Pizza is on the menu today and my simple no knead pizza dough makes a perfect Grandma’s pizza.


41 Comments Post a comment
  1. Your ideas look delicious, Suzanne 🙂
    I think, that almost all try to have writers block sometimes, just relax, take your time and come back, when you feel like. We will be here.

    January 15, 2018
    • Thanks Irene, how are things. I know you had problems with electric is everything repaired now?

      January 15, 2018
      • Unfortunately, I do still await for an electrician here, but he should come today. I do have light and warm now, but can’t cook, wash clothes or use my PC yet.

        January 16, 2018
    • I hope they get it fixed soon so that you have electric. Glad you have light and heat but you need to be able to do it all. How terrible.

      January 16, 2018
      • Thank you Suzanne, it is not funny at all. Yes, I need to be able to do, what I use to.

        January 16, 2018
  2. January is a slow month for most of us Suzanne! The weather, the over worked December is of no help :(.. I try to find inspiration on Pinterest to keep going .
    I loved the no knead pizza, vegetable pot pie and home made pasta. Those pot pies look so comforting.

    January 15, 2018
    • Thanks so much Sonal. Maybe it’s the January doldrums. I just remembered I have been blogging now for 6 years. OMG, WP usually sends something as a reminder. Hmmmm….. Hope all is well!!

      January 15, 2018
  3. hocuspocus13 #

    Well…there you said it

    Too darn cold

    Get yourself bundled up

    3 sweaters
    2 pair thick sox
    Snow Boots

    Heavy Coat

    Whatever it takes

    …and get yourself outdoors for a walk in the refreshing cold crisp air

    I do that everyday

    For if I did not

    I would become as stale as the winter air in my house!

    Snap Out of It 😊

    …oh and PS

    The Pies looks delicious 😋

    January 15, 2018
    • I have to take Percy out but even he doesn’t want to be outside. Yesterday I forced myself out for a walk to the store, a nice brisk walk and it felt good. Thank you!! I have to snap out of it😊❤️

      January 15, 2018
    • Taking your advice, again brought P’s stroller and took a long walk since he can’t walk that far anymore. It felt good.

      January 15, 2018
  4. Maria DeBrango Stickel #

    Everything you make is amazing. Our Christmas goodie box was so good. Bill and I especially enjoyed that bread. Would like that recipe when you have time. Hope your hibernation time becomes more pleasant. We love you❣️
    Sent from my iPhone

    January 15, 2018
    • Thank you so much, very happy that you enjoyed everything. Wish I felt rested from all of this hibernation, LOL.

      January 15, 2018
  5. Your pot pie! Mmmmmmmm… scrumptious! 😊 I hate wasted food too…my pet peeve and so I enjoy making do with leftovers.
    I’m in with guest post – what do you need?

    January 15, 2018
  6. Lovely ideas for using leftover vegetables. I too don’t like to waste them, so this week I’ve ended up with a butternut squash orange muffins! You’re more than welcomed to reblog it (or any other post), if it helps! 🙂

    January 15, 2018
    • Would love to reblog one of your recipes Ronit. Thank you so much. I will look through your posts and do it!!

      January 16, 2018
      • With pleasure! Don’t hesitate to be in touch if you need any help. 🙂

        January 16, 2018
  7. I have had the same uninspired feeling as well. Maybe the time of year. Those pot pies look amazing, though! Hope you are out of your funk soon. I really enjoy your posts, but completely understand the feeling.☺️

    January 15, 2018
  8. Sandhya #

    Hi Suzanne,
    I have missed you and your posts. I can relate to the funk very well.Lets try our best and get out of it.
    You are an amazing cook ,baker and friend.The pot pie looks delicious! I don’t like wasting food either. In fact I find it inspiring to come up with a new recipe using all leftovers I have 🙂
    Hang in dear.

    January 16, 2018
    • Hi Sandhya, I am constantly amazed how you and so many bloggers always have such beautiful creative recipes constantly. I’ll be back after a brief hiatus and hopefully will get my juju back. Thank you so much.

      January 16, 2018
      • Sandhya #

        Thanks so much Suzanne for that sweet compliment. It means a lot to me coming from such an accomplished person like you.
        Take care of yourself and I cannot wait to see you back!

        January 17, 2018
  9. Suzanne you are such an amazing woman. I think getting tired and even burnt out sometime is so normal. Go easy on yourself. Asking for contributions is a great idea! Your foods look amazing and inspire me. I totally agree about MLK. He was such a great man and a leaves a powerful legacy that is as important now as ever. Blessings and Happy New Year!

    January 16, 2018
    • Thanks so much Michelle. I think its only a temporary funk. You always inspire and thank you again.

      January 16, 2018
  10. Oh my, you certainly have posted some mouthwatering meals here today. Everything looks so good.
    How is Percy and Gosha ? Hope all is well with the two of them 🙂 Happy New Year to you !

    January 16, 2018
    • Thank you Lynne! Percy is doing well and Gosha found his furever home. Miss the little guy. I was almost a foster fail wanted to adopt him but he was adopted by the vet nurse at the animal hospital he goes to. She fell in love and he found a great home. Percy likes being the only dog.

      January 16, 2018
      • Oh shame, he really did look like a great little guy. Well I am pleased he has found a forever home…I hope he will be happy 🙂
        Yes, Percy does like your undivided attention 🙂 🙂 🙂 Hugs.

        January 16, 2018
  11. petra08 #

    I can absolutely relate to your blockage! Sometimes I seem to cook on autopilot, it is definitely not blog worthy!
    Sometimes I go to strange food shops and buy things I have no idea what they are in order to find inspiration but lately it seems to have been one ingredient and like you, usually at Farmers markets that gets me going.
    It’s ok to have some time off and not have that “have to” feeling, enjoy and stay warm 🙂 Happy 2018!

    January 16, 2018
  12. Thinking of you. Sending you a text right now to check in and say hello. ❤

    January 16, 2018
  13. We all need a break once in a while. I seriously thought about hanging it up last summer and did take a break just to realize how much my blogging means to me. Just do what’s best for you Suzanne even if it’s giving yourself time. I love your work and you’re such a great person and I hope you feel a bit better soon. Spring will help, right?

    January 16, 2018
  14. Hang in there sweetie! Sounds like a bit of Cabin Fever if you ask me. Don’t worry, you’ll see your way through the darkness eventually. I must say your pot pie and pizza look rather inspirational and delicious considering your funk! xoxo

    January 17, 2018
  15. Dear dear Suzanne– you may be feeling uninspired, but you’ve inspired us with the truly beautiful photos of your recent meals. Everyone of them, blog-worthy!! And I never knew there was such a thing as a pasta rolling pin!! I’ve never made fresh pasta, but I know it’s so much more tender and delicious–I want to try it now. So you really are an inspiration! Hope the circumstances that seem hard are lessening. Pray you find he light at the end of the tunnel. And– I’d be glad to send you any post you want to use Suzanne. There’s a Beef & Barley Soup that I’ve made several times this winter. Or zucchini corn chowder, orange sweet rolls, a chocolate cake with cream filling a ganache frosting. Let me know if you could use anything. Love you blog-friend. xox

    January 17, 2018
  16. It’s good to see you but take your time Suzanne! I love your blog and recipes! oh and you

    January 17, 2018
  17. I hope all is well or is getting better Suzanne. The food in this post all looks so comforting and perfect for winter–substantial and warm 🙂
    This past year and a half has been really slow for me and the blog, there was just too much going on personally. But I think I might be slowly starting to get more into it; after so much time away it stopped feeling like an obligation and it’s been an escape from some other things. 🙂
    Take your time, rest, and don’t worry, because everyone will still be there when you’re ready to come back.

    January 18, 2018
    • Thanks so much, It is so cold out and I also have a lot going on personally so it is probably a combination of things. Will snap out of it. It’s true I hadn’t seen a post from you in a while either. Hope things pick up for you and you get back to blogging regularly because I always love seeing your inspired recipes and beautiful photos.❤️

      January 18, 2018
  18. I have missed you, too, and am glad you updated us! But even your uninspired meals look pretty darned inspiring to me! Grandma’s pizza. That’s a term I’ve just started hearing recently. Love it. Have you thought about checking in with the doc, just thinking with all this cold and ppl staying indoors, vitamin D can be a problem…you know seasonal depression is sometimes a low vitamin D level and it’s a real thing. I know what you mean too, about things going awry when you’re not into it. I make stupid errors or mistakes when I’m not motivated and try to force myself to cook.

    Anyway it sounds like you have plenty of offers, but i’m always up to do a guest post, too. Hang in there!

    January 18, 2018
    • Thank you Mollie, yes it could be Vitamin D, I am usually not prone to seasonal depression but this year it’s particularly brutal out and I haven’t been outside as much as I normally am. Would love it if you could do a guest post if you can! I love everything that you cook and am constantly amazed at how you stay inspired. Thank you!!

      January 18, 2018
      • I’ll try to come up with something this week! And I have to say, I get inspiration from everywhere, and you’re one of the bloggers who always inspires me. You recipes are lovely, your kindness shows through. You’re amazing!

        January 19, 2018

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